Help needed + chicks


recently i changed my config once again (daily) and I found out with rivatuner that my monitor can run 120hz at 768x576. I thought that would be pretty neat so hop I changed my resolution and stuff. I can get 125fps stable on almost every map so that isn't really the problem but the following is occurring to me sometimes:

Whenever I am playing ET wars or Q3 as in 1on1 or trickjumping a little my screen lags. Afaik I didn't have this when playing at 100 refresh but since i've changed to 120 this occurs a lot. It doesn't really interfere with my mouse movements (no visible fps lags or something else) but just with the screen, it's like playing on 30hz.

If anyone has a solution for this please write it here.

My setup:
768x576 @ 120hz
125 fps / 100 packets / 250 mousehz
config: (double cvars included, as well as obsolete cvars)

image: hyves25
ask perfo
oh noes it's hillary duff and her hot girlfriend
swedish girls are hot
rivatuner abuser LolOlooLOLoL

bind = "vsay cheer ^?who is butchji when you have xylos"
how can you find out the max hz with rivatuner?
tried it , didnt work. Could find EDID or something
olololol config veranderd!!!!!
hi perfo
i followed ur advice, bought a mx518
got 80 hs in a 6v6 yesterday :D

so ask perfo for advice :D
you could have asked me for mouse aswell, and i would say the same :[
if you dont have fullscreen its normal
if you have fullscreen its "not" normal

(bad english > all)
next time, do only chicks...
Your trying to push your monitor too far.
Are you sure? :)
Well it obviously can't handle it, it's comprimising for the high demand by lagging out like you said.
ok thx4theinfo, an add to my buddylist for u
Hoe the fuck kom je aan die wijven kanker geil die met dat groene
uh zoeken op zweedse chicks ofzo :p
kut eey die russen hebben dat ook - super lekker figuur en een kanker kop xD
nice try at getting more people to play with your cfg mister
I dont think thats the reason cuz at least in my screen the too far push limit is when screen goes black so i dont beliveve budhaz :o
idd, if you push it too far it will either go black in the first place, or continue to work for a long time after which one day you will smell they stench of your burned monitor, which is the time you should start thinking about a replacement :D
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