

Mine is the one on the right (duh!), le sex or what? xD
nice car im going to report your liscence plate for splashing me with rain water though!
Everyone has silver corsa's, black looks the best.
I had the choice of a black 1.4 auto or a silver 1.2 with twotronic (auto + manual) gearbox and alloys. I went for the silver because black is softer paint and scratches too easily, plus for the extra 200cc you only get 10bhp more and a higher insurance premium.

Went out for a cruise today in the rain and it's damn nippy off the mark in 2nd gear for a 1.2 :)
Auto sucks, you should have got the black imo.

edit: insurance can mean alot, but depending on the price I would have still had the black:D
Nah, I prefer the silver. Twotronic is damn fun to drive though, it's the same as a Porsche's tiptronic gearbox.
Showoff. :{
If I thought cars were interesting I´d propably be impressed now... but thats a big IF.
who needs a porsche if you can have a --->CORSA<-----

The Porsche is my old man's, but yeah, Corsa is like 1,000,000x better ;D

I even got one of these with it: C'MON!
it fits your bridge
why is there an L on it ?
L = Learner driver. In the UK you get tagged with it so everyone knows you haven't gotten your full license. It's illegal not to have it on the car, but I think the UK is the only place where it applies (?)

It's also appropriate because it suits my ET skill - L33T.
image: 67510688fq2
I'm also a learner driver...but without an own car :<
hahah that sucks, everybody knows your a noob @ driving.
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