
what does this command do?
P to the E to the R to the F to the O

what do we got?
ask Netherlands penet

no we only got PERFO :<
I know, but should've asked perfo what we had ;-)
PERFO! Do i win something now??????

edit: Ha, i did press reply-button. BUG.
I'd say... Google it

EDIT: Guess what, I searched for "cl_timenudge ET" and I click the 3rd link. After some looking around I find:
QuoteI've heard a million conflicting explanations about what cl_timenudge does. What is it, really? (top)

Common Answer

This is directly related to the previous question, so please digest that part first. If you don't get that part, you might as well skip this answer.

cl_timenudge tells your client to either 1) wait less, or 2) wait more, before releasing information to be drawn. Remember how the client game needs two sets of information to draw a player accurately? A negative cl_timenudge setting will cause your client to release information earlier, at the expense of accuracy. A positive cl_timenudge setting will cause it to wait more, effectively simulating Internet lag.

As it is, setting cl_timenudge negative in vanilla Quake 3 and most mods will make other players look “jerky.” Unlagged fixes that tendency, which makes negative cl_timenudge values a much more viable way of reducing the effects of Internet lag. As far as I know, only one non-Unlagged mod, CPMA, does the same thing. (The fix may also make it into OSP in the future sometime because of that.)

Settings below -30 and above 30 are absolutely meaningless. Yes, that means even a negative cl_timenudge setting can't rid you completely of the built-in lag.

If you are playing a mod with 50ms lag correction (like OSP, CPMA, or an Unlagged mod with full lag compensation switched off), using a large negative cl_timenudge can screw up your weapon visuals a bit. However, if you want extra lag compensation, you might just choose to do it anyway at the expense of those things.

Also, if you have cl_timenudge set to a large negative value in any mod, be aware that where you see other players will not be as correct as if you had it set to 0. That's what you pay in order to lead your instant-hit attacks less – though what you pay is much less in Unlagged.

Technical Answer

For the most part, the Common Answer will suffice. I have a few things to clarify, though.

When cl_timenudge has a negative value, every non-player entity is simply extrapolated earlier. This is just fine, because these entities only require one set of information for extrapolation anyway, and those entities were going to be processed late because of the “built-in lag.” That means, with a negative cl_timenudge everything you see except players is perfectly accurate – it's just a little earlier than it would be otherwise.

Now, by default, when the player entities are run through the trajectory function (and they will be because the client game will assume they need to be extrapolated), the output origin is the same as the input origin. They'll only move when a new snapshot arrives. That's what makes players look like they're moving at 20 FPS while everything else is smooth.

The change Unlagged and CPMA make is to turn those player entities into extrapolating entities if they don't interpolate, so that the trajectory function will extrapolate them properly. In this way, with a negative cl_timenudge value, they'll be extrapolated just like every other entity.

The trade-off is occasional extrapolation error, but that's much, much better than having the players move at 20 FPS. Personally, I believe Unlagged's behavior is more correct. It's definitely more useful.

nP for me
ask overdrive
its just a command that makes your connection like a virtual ping (when you have 48 ping for instance, its makes your ping 0 when you use -48) AFAIK it makes you lag like hell, but you can hit so nice with it :P and its lame / forced 0 in official configs so #care
Today I read that has the Tourettes.
I read it was gay. Small world.
lolz, I didn't even know wtf basshunter was, I just felt like writing something random.

At least he looks happy. :)
connect to efterlyst /cl_timenudge -80;cl_maxpackets 15 and see it for yourself
I remember back when there was timenudgers in ET... hated playing those :)
what is the recommend setting?
watch people on efterlyst that hve changed thier timenudge, you will notice that these people tend to be the best because you will hit everything, and it is hard to hit you.
indeed, i always play with -80 there, because its fun xD
It doesn't affect how easy/hard you are to hit, it only affects how many of your shots register. If you don't already have an amazing connection, you can hit 60% or more using it.
ok, im wrong then :< but it is still unfair to use it if everyb ody doesnt use it ?
Yeah I'd say so. At the very least you'd have to let people try and see what works best for them, since some people don't see an improvement from timenudge.
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