my usb plugins

i tryed program called USB RATER by raZiel....soo and i put 125 rate, restarted computer and when windows started to load my keyboard and the mouse shoted down( both devices are usb )

i tryed everything but nothing works

need help
What you have to do first: Get a cat!
If it won't help: format c
hmmm how can i format C if ive got like keyboard and mouse shotted down.

ive got a cat =)
congratz that you got a cat, it should work then :o)
Step 1. Just reboot, unplug the mouse, plug the mouse back in and reboot again.
Step 2. Don't ever use Raziel's program again to change mouserate, IT SUCKS! Instead use usbmrs11.exe
QuoteDon't ever use Raziel's program again to change mouserate, IT SUCKS! Instead use usbmrs11.exe

If you have a decent pc it works fine. But idd sometimes it does strange stuff. But the usbmrs11.exe needs a reboot + sometimes you need to go safe mode before it wants to work.

If you really want to promote a good usb program use this:
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