Need overdrive


recently i changed my config once again (daily). I thought that would be pretty neat so hop I changed my resolution and stuff. I can get 125fps stable on almost every map so that isn't really the problem but the following is occurring to me sometimes:

Whenever I am playing ET wars or Q3 as in 1on1 or trickjumping a little my screen lags. It doesn't really interfere with my mouse movements (no visible fps lags or something else) but just with the screen, it's like playing on 30hz. Overdrive help me plz.

If anyone has a solution for this please write it here.

My setup:
800x600 100hz
125 fps / 100 packets / 250 mousehz
config: (double cvars included, as well as obsolete cvars)

image: hyves25
hi perfo

btw: more cats are needed - its the same with hz/fps the more cats you got the merrier will you hit the enemies! :o)
ask yourself
second that
Little artifacts @ 100 hz ?

You can solve it with r_swapinterval 1 (but you won't hit anything anymore in ET with that)

Either you can play with 120 hz, but it won't be fluid to play @ 100 fps. (you have to be at almost the same refreshrate and fps, or twice)
i had that with my tft screen, but i bet ur using crt?
Well it's probably because of the difference in FPS/Hz nothing else, douille is right about r_swapinterval 1. My advice to you is to stick with it and keep playing or get a better screen, people really under value the importance of a monitor (can't put a price on your vision!)
ask Netherlands penet

ps. I have heard from a trustable source that he likes d2a a.k.a analpenetration too!
ye but he have on cfg displayrefresh 120 and reso 768x576 n1ce sherlocking
Would it be possible at screen has come to his end?
n1 posting the same journal twice!
umm no? this time different settings
hmm.. ask perfo oO
didn't u post it already :) ?
Well, first be sure you really have 100Hz refresh rate.
Do: "vid_restart;", then scroll up in console, look for DisplayRefresh or something like that.
I used to have problem with nVidia, whenever I'd change the r_displayrefresh cvar, it didn't change (60Hz was like some constant).
ehm i have it
shit monitor, use r_swapinterval "1" that will solve the prob with the "slowness" of the monitor's reaction
vsync adds lag
makes it seem smoother tho!
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