Ban people with dodgy guids?

Was just wondering why PB or some of the other anti cheat sites don't ban people with guids with non hex letters G-Z etc. with the exception of "unknown" ? most of the cheaters are just plain retarded and have guids like 5hjklxmnbzqrts or ub3rpwn3r. Or is there a reason they don't ban them?
i wanna that guid too!
i agree with Lovell
you are wrong, young padawan.

stop playing publics
if they have those guids it doesnt matter if you ban them cause they are using a guidspoofer
pb could kick for non-hex guids automaticaly.
ban people with dodgy nicknames.
like lovell
pb isnt checking mod related stuff since pb doesnt know the mods etc.
so no banning for mod related stuff.
which letters can't be in etpro guid?
if only etpro/pb would refuse entry to servers with that guids, then atleast the most retarded ppl who dont even bother to get detected by a simple guids/pb_plist wouldnt join.
rofl if this will happen .. cheaters will use proper guids or copy other ppl xDDDDDDDDDD
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