impact owned

discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss discuss
they played well!
The word 'DUH' crossed my mind.
Let them get some tp etc...nils hacker :<
they played like a team(tlr)
they couldn't beat mAus :(

when mystic learn how to selfkill and throw nades not in his m8s they will be able to make some impression.
your comment made me lol =)
i agree, he didnt sk and he got me mad :p
They have huge potential... thats sure.
bind x "kill; forcetapout"

pm me if you need any help setting up your config
I hope they won't split
*cough* CPC 2 *cough*
its dark outa there atm...
Wtf Impact didn't play bad. They just need to contiuie to pracc. Mystic, Raveneye and xpaz played well, tiigeri sucked a bit. :D
tiigeri held em down a bit :( He's a great player but a better eng/med smg shooter would have been useful for impact.
If they don't split up and practice hard, nice results and achievements will follow.
they played well imo
Most overrated team - they lost even against polar eSports!
your an idiot
i thought they played well. mystic looked sharp, especially after not playing for so long. they have alot of potential, i reckon thats what this tourney is here for anyway, practice
generally agree
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