ET @ DualCore
6 Mar 2007, 02:04
i know and read about ET being able using both cpu cores of a dualcore cpu.
i haven't found the command yet, can anyone tell me about it and if it actually is of any use ??
like, using multithread :) ..
i know and read about ET being able using both cpu cores of a dualcore cpu.
i haven't found the command yet, can anyone tell me about it and if it actually is of any use ??
like, using multithread :) ..
€: es gibt allerdings so witzige software mit der man bestimmen kann welcher core sich um welche threads kümmert. soll heißen, man kann alle threads die windows so belegt auf einem laufen lassen und ed am anderen. allerdings hab ich mir solch software auch noch nicht genauer angesehen, der unterschied sollte zwar messbar aber nicht spührbar sein.
and that it is buggy or so.
@ limbonic.. any game developer can add their own code to the q3 engine .. so, sure it is possible that a game based upon the q3 engine has multithread support :) ..
sure you can code ANYTHING for q3 engine but its not likely to happen
next gen of steam games by valve are supposed to support dual/quad core and one other game (supreme commander? not sure) but apart from that, not that much point in multiple core rigs for gaming alone as of yet
set to 1 is not supported
it seems it's not completely bug-free :)
hat bei mir keinen (spürbaren) unterschied gemacht