:') Damn your screwed.
Infected :/
6 Mar 2007, 10:02
Great... The university computer i'm working with atm is infected with DriveCleaner. This gives me quite a chance of being screwed, since i logged on with my username and they could blame me. GG. -.-
you got nothing better to do at school than infecting computers?
It was infected before i booted it.
you found a leak, they should thank you!
They should, but I'm pretty shure they won't. :P
you use the same sentence I always use when they bust me ;)
course not =S
Loekino, U got the FBI already?
female body inspectz0r?
FB AAAAAI ja gvd.
haha lolollolo D:D:D:DD:D:DD:D:D:
omg format
omgoz u r going down =<