ET mouse problems

im having a big problem...when i go into ET i cant use my mouse in the way u should in ET.
its like my mouse is staying outside of the game, if u know what i mean.
my keyboard works fine just my mouse when in game doesnt function properly

plz help ty

YAY all fixed :))) thanks
check ur sens and stuff
its not that i can see my mouse cursor moving around as if ET was not running
Play in fullscreen dude...
in_mouse 1?
o noes, mine is at in_mouse -1
in_mouse -1 reverts ET back to standard Win32 mouse handling, which is event based and has no buffer.

The standard input method for ET is buffered DirectInput (in_mouse 1), and it receiveing mouse reports at 1000 times a second could cause the buffer to chocke up and disregard some mouse events, as the buffer size is pre-defined and IIRC not dynamic.

Use in_mouse -1, as the DI implementation has about 12ms lag, and the non-DI implementation has no lag. The only problem with in_mouse -1 is the risk of mouse movement being clipped by the edge of the screen. At 640x480 at 125 FPS you will most likely will run into this problem, and the best way around it seems to be using On-the-Fly sensitivity to reduce your mouse to about 800dpi (or you might be able to do just that thru the Razer control panel) and adjust your ET sensitivity accordingly.
There's no in_mouse -1 in ET.

edit: replace ET with Q3 and your text is correct.
(21:33:1Cool (Noobie) In ET and RtCW (and CoD), DirectInput doesn't work, i.e. in_mouse -1 or 1 makes no difference (although some people reported it did for them...?). I had a chat with zinx (from the ETPro team) about it and he confirmed it.
(21:33:20) (Noobie) ^^
(21:33:31) (+som1) sheesh
(21:33:35) (+som1) dont believe anything he says
(21:33:39) (@zinx) Noobie: in_mouse 1 is windows, in_mouse 2 is directinput
(21:33:43) (+som1) if u believe something its diffrent for u
(21:33:45) (@zinx) Noobie: in_mouse -1 is just D&L
(21:33:47) (+som1) ok?Smile
(21:33:53) (@[av]bani) in_mouse 2 doesnt work
(21:33:55) (@[NW]reyalP) erm, in_mouse 2 got killed in beta didn't it /
(21:34:02) (@[NW]reyalP) 2.6 beta, that is
(21:34:0Cool (@[av]bani) we tried to get DI working but win32 is too buggy
(21:34:0Cool (+som1) HEY ITS ABOUT UR MIND
(21:34:09) (@zinx) probably
(21:34:16) (@[av]bani) so it got killed
(21:34:1Cool (+som1) if you believe something is diffrent, it will feel diffrent
(21:34:20) (@zinx) \o/
(21:34:21) (@[av]bani) prolly same reason id killed it
ye, read it as well somewhere else
Somebody set up us the bomb.
its fixed but now when i move up i go down :(..whats command to change this

ps i hate configs :/
m_pitch value needs to be positive
no, use negative values like mystic!!!!!!!!

actually tried it for a few days and I can't aim with it, but I guess i'm to old to learn it :'(
zo onnatuurlijk als een gek
Yeah, it feels like i need to disconnect X and Y axis in my head :D I'm quiet confident that if you try it at a young age you should be able to get used to it fast, and the reasoning behind using inverted mpitch is sound.
Hmm well it used to be the default setting (inverted pitch) in games such as starfox adventures / flying games since when you pull the steering wheel towards you (down) you'll go up so that might be one reasoning behind it. But can't see why you would be using default pitch in windows and inverted ingame :P
First of all, there's a big difference between playing in a 3D environment and 2D desktop. I guess using inverted mpitch should feel natural to most ppl who ever played a flight simulator.

Second moving the mouse up, is easier then moving the mouse down. Its like Cooller using his 45 degree stance because it will make moving left to right as easy as right to leftl. In case of moving up and down, inverted pitch makes it easier to shoot down on people and also makes it easier to control the recoil of the luger.

I remember Thresh using the same negative mpitch as all the oldskool ET players. I think the 0.017 comes from 800/600, dunno why he suggested negative mpitch. I'll have a look at his page !

//Thresh's .cfg file. Use at own risk! :)
//Gamers Extreme - Commented out, none of this is executed

vid_mode 0 - standard 320x200 resolution VGA
+mlook - frees up mouselook
m_filter 1 - smooths out mouse motion - default is on
sensitivity 12 - mouse sensitivity
sv_aim 2 - turns off computer auto-aiming
scr_conspeed 32700 - speeds up the scrolling console when you hit "~"
m_pitch .022 - sets the y-axis sensitivity of the mouse to default
d_mipscale 1 - sets texture rendering to default
d_mipcap 0
bind w +forward - standard movement keys, "WASD inverted T"
bind s +back
bind a +moveleft
bind d +moveright
bind space +jump - default Quake jump key
bind shift "impulse 7" - quick rocket launcher select
bind f "impulse 6" - quick grenade launcher
bind mouse2 "impulse 8" - qucik lightning gun
bind mouse1 +attack - default Quake attack key
v_kicktime 0 - v_kick settings keep view from jarring when hit
v_kickpitch 0
v_kickroll 0
cl_bob 0 - stops your gun from bobbing up and down while running
cl_rollangle 0 - stops sideways cant while strafing
r_waterwarp 0 - stops the screen from waving underwater
bind v "say Nice shot man!" - give props to your opponents!

vid_mode 0 - standard 320x200 resolution VGA
sensitivity 12 - mouse sensitivity
sv_aim 2 - turns off computer auto-aiming
side effect of nexus
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