999 Help.

I am having a problem where i keep going 999 for about 5 seconds every mintue or so, and i have no idea why. I know its not my connection as everyother games works perfect, so i was wondering if anyone would kindly point me in the right direction of how to fix the problem.

Cheers for the help.
pb is detecting your h4x or you have wrong w-lan settings.
call the 999 help line
i have been told (by my isp) thats it's my isp doing maintenance on their lines. which basically means there is NOTHING you can do about it. but it does stop within the next few hours to 1 day
Its definitely not my connection, i'm using a network, and as i said all other games run perfectly :<
i'm a bit sad because i only play et, so i cant judge about other games :P all i can tell you is that it will go away soon. best off watching some t.v or sumthin and try to play again then
Its been 4 weeks :P
i'm guessing you've done a virus check?
Great news because it rly gets on my nerves! :<
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