2600 Australia

As a couple of people know I'm going to Australia for a few months and I'm wondering if anyone here know of any 2600 meetings there [if any] other than Sydney and Melbourne?
I'll be in Adelaide so it's a good few hundred miles just to go to the nearest 2600 meeting.
Failing that, is there any cons going on around April-June time?
omg a 2600 freak :<
Melbourne: Caffeine at ReVault Bar, 16 Swanston Walk, near Melbourne Central Shopping Centre. 6:30 pm.
Sydney: The Crystal Palace, front bar/bistro, opposite the bus station area on George St. at Central Station. 6 pm.
contact jk-lazy in #just-knifed
hes been to australia for 6 months
the weather will be excellent.
I live in melbourne and have never heard of it ><

My cousin is moving to Australia in August!! then after my A Levels and is he starts ahis buisness there, i might join him!
panda im going at summer ( i already went once) i'll be living at melbourne . i live like 4 blocks away from central ; <
I live in Melbourne about four blocks from the CBD :o

add me msn <profile>
I don't know if there are any other 2600 meetings in Australia (never heard of it in the first place ;o) but if you are desperate to go you can fly to Melbourne/Sydney from Adelaide fairly cheaply. There are two budget airlines: Virgin and Jetstar with which you can get flights from less than $100. Using the current exchange rate a dollar of any EU currency coverts to approximately $1 million Australian so that should be no problem for you :P
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