I present to you:

The Black Pearl

Zimbabwe JackSparrow
Anonymous Squalliiii
Netherlands aeqz
Anonymous LotiX
Germany/Austria m!das
Anonymous al7
Netherlands maverick888
Finland slajdan
Anonymous Sgt.Pepper
Sweden unisol
United Kingdom Ahm3d!

JackSparrow: I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt, guess what's inside it!
Squalliiii: Dirt?
aeqz: I know it, I know it... I know I know it, is it the heart of Davy Jones?
LotiX: No you stupid cunt.. oh my god. How could I have been persuaded in joining this clan, you've made an emo out of me jack, now you shall die
JackSparrow: youre welcome and fuck off with these threats, theyre so annoying, we both know you dont fullfill your promises
m!das: lol :D
al7: ":D"
slajdan: i know where we can get bots, but we'll need a sponsor!
Sgt.Pepper: fuck off slajdan, we don't need bots from noobcoders, i make my own and i'll share it with the rest of you
unisol: !!!!111oneoneeleven pepper, send it now, i cant wait
JackSparrow: what would our mothers say if they knew about this
al7: theyd.... celebrate?
LotiX: fuck you noob
al7: fuck you
m!das: fuck both of you
aeqz: fuck this clan, so much hospitality
slajdan: did you mean hostility, aeqz?
aeqz: yeah thats the one! thanks
Sgt.Pepper: i dont have a mother, i have 2 fathers
slajdan: get skill pepper, i dont trust your newbbots
JackSparrow: Guys there will be no fucking and using pepper's nor slajdan's bots in here, if we're setting out to use hacks, then we must use mine. Obey the rules or perish.
JackSparrow: Just 1 more question, has anyone seen maverick around?
Ahm3d! <3 al7, england > all
al7 ":D"
JackSparrow: theres always someone from uk in a topteam

WARNING Not everything of this conversation is true, we could call it an Urban Legend if you like

We're in need of a *rich* sponsor that can send us to upcoming lans and buy us everything we need to become a topteam! And lets not forget about the rum, this clan will fold without the right amount of rum.
oh... sexy team!
why so many cheaters?
would be boring w/o haxorz >:
why dont you join?
they said they have no place for a non-haxor
because sliiiijz allready applied, and they prefer haxors :/
i already quitted. dont like those lowskillers.
feel free to reapply
isnt aeqz skiing?
send us to quakecon please :)
m!das lass ma wieder was von dir hören spast :>
i need better joke today...my heart is broken
i think its going to be the same here : /
come be emo with me :(
zomg invite me, i need a team, even though my ET doesnt work atm

We're in need of a *rich* sponsor that can send us to upcoming lans and buy us everything we need to become a topteam! And lets not forget about the rum, this clan will fold without the right amount of rum.
omg omg who are you? .... errrr wait no one gives a fuck :§
u take the "pirate" thing too serius...
stfu or me hiJACK yar ship
yarrrr :<
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