
how has your evening been crossfire
apart from the praccing i ate some meat + veggies and i had lots of fun at ventrilo with the krp guys.
Hi perfo!
hi perfo + cats!
Perfo had je weer niks te doen?

*edit* suck my dick gay
LIFER + Harry Potter + SkaterBoy
Nothing special... around 19.30 I went to a friend and we just chilled... came back around 21.30 and ate something and now I am listening to some music.
I had lots of fun with perfo @ bed ;)<3
good thx :)
I'm ill:X My throat is in fire and I feel like floating:D
I made my homework and watched Idols :S Now it's time to sleep
I thought perfo is maturefuckasshole, but his ventrilocomments has proof it, HE HAS GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR. "Scarcella on pieni" <-that was hilarious. but you dont still have any change to beat us in ventrilofight. sry, life is hard but and my dick isnt ::::::::::::D
i played wc3 with my rl ngrs
You had fun with krp but without me :'(
KUOLE SHIT ;ASD;SA;DS;D KrP > perfo > some noobs > u
ruipperi, dont be jealous because perfo like us and youre a homo :D
WOW ! you really got the point :O thats the thing what i said just minute ago. i said that im jealous because perfo likes you more than me. a bit different words but you got the point :O n1.
I masturbated...a lot
pannekoeken met mayonaise en vla? :O
im extremly tired, i got a bad headache, im very tired, i had school 07-18, i dont have any candy home, i got a important test tomorrow wich i havnt trained and i wont, im very tired and im dried up but luckily i got more than enough to drink here.
ask perfo
evening perforator !
I went to Amsterdam with some friends, drank & ate something at an Irish pub, went to a coffeeshop on the way back and now helping someone with English essay.
i went to hannibal the return or hannibal the beginning or whatever the movies title was and after, although i wasnt planning to i went out and came back about 30 mins ago

just eating pringles now untill i cba anymore
I sucked perfos dick.
What about my dick?
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