Logitech mith new Mice !!

Throw away ur DAs and G5s


whine + looks nice
ok im buying it
das isn scherz oder?
zoom in ... it says G5
or mybe GS
finally a mx mouse with 2side buttons again?was so dumb to remove one
hoihoi :D <3
this is a G5 so umm dont thow them away yet ;)
looks ugly imo
The mice to watch out for are probably the ocz mice seen here. A damn good manufacture therefore could be a damn good mouse. We can only hope.
pimp that one soldier website :)
So what is it called?
lol @ the im buying it comments when it was a G5.
im buying this one, because the normal g5 has only 1 button, and this one has 2 buttons, which is why i bought mx518 instead of g5
USB Report Rate: 1000 reports/second my G5 cant even handle that:S
First mouse that can actually do 1000hz, that I want to see!
thought that ms intelli 3.0 could handle 1000 hz and the older mice
not stable, older 8 bit path mice were better at being stable, though not stable enough for ET. They do work nice with q3.
ok, ty for ur info:)
Copperhead/Deathadder do 1000Hz what you been smoking?
Home grown purple haze

I had a copperhead and it never did 1000hz stable, it only got to 700hz on average, and using the dx tool you could see how the mouserate never was really stable, switching from 500 to 1000hz + not even stable at those rates.

My pro solution has exact same polling rates, not surprising as its a diamondback with an upgraded 16 bit datapath, giving stable 500hz compared to the old diamondback with a 12 bit datapath doing 450hz on average.
My copperhead does a perfect 1000Hz in dx_mouse_input_timer and a perfect 500Hz, the same with my deathadder so that doesn't really make any sense =/
the arrogance!
genauso häßlich wie dein gsicht!
thats just another G5 but different look
just another G5.....
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