Fps wtf?

"It is going to be a normal day" was what I thought when I started ET today. But something happened that no one could expect.. I got LOW FPS!!!!11 Dunno why dunno how to fix it format doesnt work I still have low fps on maps like radar and !!GrUSH!! it sucks! And I hope someone reading this journal can help me out with that kinda fps laggs.
Get a better computer.
my pc is fine..everythine was ok ..yesterday i had 125 fps all the time..and now=/..*cry*
using xfire the program?
yea but it isnt running while playing i just have it @ harddrive
mmm, you might want to delete the "xfire_toucan.dll" at the xfire folder
cause it could cause some FPS lags?
not just some, from 125 to 60
lols nice question.
check if you have microsoft update enabled (not windows update) i had a similar prob it was eating my cpu even when it wasnt updating anything, fps went from usual 125 down to 30s, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/901037
de ladde :D
was für ein virus programm hast du?
AntiVir guard
hm dann dunno
Make sure it's not doing a hard drive virus scan while you're playing... Also, try to shut down all programs running in the background.
the only progs i got in the background is icq , ventrilo and irc..that was no prob until today..
Change anything in your config?

Just try to find out what has changed since you last got good FPS, and then you'll probably be able to solve the problem easily.
lol i did everything u told me to..that xfire file is deleted ..but nothing works:(
defragmentier mal die Partition wo dein ET drauf ist
was solls bringen? ^^
Naja bei mir hats nen ordendlich leistungsschub gebracht, versuchen würd ichs
should i've reboot after deleting that xfire file? ^^
versuch mal tuneup utilities
was solln das sein n programm? ^^
also defragmentiert ist..pc meint zwar das manche sachen net gehn aber bei 30 belegten GB kann er auch net viel machen..
Sounds fishy tbh that you get such a radical drop just overnight..
The only thing I can think of is that you can check the fans on your computer for dust, and vaccum it if theres any. Since your processor will work at It's top when ET is on you need to have the fans in proper work otherwise the processor will get warm and will start giving fps-drops.

Or theres some spyware in the background that your anti-virus program hasn't found. Use Ad-aware or Spyware Doctor to search for them. But assuming your not stupid you would've checked what runnings in the background and I guess you can probably figure out if you got 10 things running of the same is spyware.
yeah, vaccum if you want your pc not to work afterwards
vaccum=static electricity
also spybot > both of those antispyware programs

also if your cpu gets warm, your PC reboots or if rebooting is switched off gives you a blue screen or you get hardware damage, not fps drop.
you might have fps drop also, but it will reboot.

your whole post was lies :\
Well I'm just speaking out of own experiences. When I had a weaker computer I used to get this reboot thing when the comp was to heated but now when I got a better/stronger computer with more fans on it it just gets slower when it starts to dust up and gives lower fps in ET.

And the vaccum thing I know may people does, and their computer works as usual. But unplug it is a plus first.
retarded people then - also very lucky or just dumb enough not to find the motherboard with the vaccum .
vaccum = static electricity , you can check if you don't already know.
motherboard + static = dead motherboard, you can check. :)

very, VERY risky shit. I advise you blow dust out of the case yourself and use a small brush or something, or use a leaf blower or something that blows out air
Interesting theory, I like living on the edge but hmmz.. Have I been wrong for the first time in my life? I guess wikipedia will need to help me now!
just search for computer cleaning and read on vacuums , i doubt wikipedia has a entry on how you can break your motherboard.
theory ? it's not a theory btw.

first 2 sites on google, ctrl +f vacuum

edit: btw I seriously doubt you're wrong the first time in your life - either that was sarcasm or you are very ignorant. :]
Me? Arrogant? :)
I need glasses?
I guess.
Btw, did you find out if you were wrong?
well I'm just saying the whole area around the fucking pc is like static elctricity so how come most pc's survive? :o
so you're fucking saying that lets take for an example a motherboard will survive static electricity? a fucking fact is a fucking fact, shut the fuck up.

sorry, but i'm getting pissed
I'm not saying youre wrong but just saying everything round my pc is electricity kabels and all kind of shit so if I go near I can feel the bloody electricity pretty scary :P I just don't know if thats just normal or is called static electricity
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