mx518 drivers

Tell me which driver I should use to get best performance with mx518

(soz for my bad english, hope u can understand)

Thx in advance!
learn to play,
you are gay.

ps. ask perfo
I'm guessing SetPoint (if it's included in the package you bought), I use that for my G5, and I don't have any problems.
Just buy mx510 and all the probs are gone ;P
vanha meni rikki
:< No itte hengaan enemmä intis nykyjää ku koneella ni ei pitäs mennä rikki ihan heti :D Ainakaan 118 päivään ;P
Don't use any :O)
Setpoint fo sho.
Don't use any :O)
Use MX drivers only if learned to play with it.
Otherwise use non, and be sure to have a stable FPS. (for more info, read overdrivens guid)
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