
I got a new Hiper keyboard and i have a major problem.

I cant seam jump whilst strafing left but i can when i strafe to the right. It's really weird.

Keyboard Link

Has anyone else got this keyboard and has had this problem. All the reviews say they have had no problems with it so i may just have a faulty one.

Note: Before anyone asks....

There are NO drivers for it.
Have tried both PS/2 + USB slots.
Hiper lame keyboard :o
You bought a bad keyboard HAHAHAHAHAA
Hi Skydehje!
Go to --> config screen --> hardware maybe u can solve the problem there?
skydeh (hi)
Must be a keyboard matrix problem.

There was an article on esr about this long time ago.

edit: see http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1056377#pid1056377
with that keyscan program you can check which keystrokes your computer receives.
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