Commodore Norrington

Commodore Norrington thinks he hates me, but I know better.

Behold a conversation between him, Will and myself:

Norrington: Do excuse me while I kill the man who ruined my life.
Will Turner: Be my guest. (h)
Jack Sparrow: Let us examine that claim for a moment, former Commodore, shall we? Who was it that, at thevery moment you had a notorious piravt[/b]e safely behind bars, saw fit to free said pirate and take your dearly beloved all to hisself, eh? So whose fault is it *really* that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?
Norrington: ENOUGH!
[I somersault off roof, Norrington turns to Will]
Norrington: Unfortunately Mr. Turner, he's right!

edit: There's a message in this journal, the first one that finds it will be buddied upon my buddylist.
why did you remove me from your buddylist cap
i am sure this is kamz tbh.
very very cool
United States of AmericaOMG THATS AWESOME!
i am the captain of the black pearl
omg perfo u so smart...i couldnt figure it out :<<<<<
davy jones coming for you..
yes davy jones'll stick his monsterous seashell cock to your ass :D
I am the captain of the black pearl!

btw Hi al
I'm starting to like you captain!
you sir are a fucking retard
Niet te stoer é jumperke.
har har!
I am the captain of the black pearl

nP, you did make some errors though, for instance, the second T isn't bold, and other mistakes too :o ;-)
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