aiming :/

no fucking idea whats wrong, but 1 thing I know is that I didnt use to suck this much as i do atm, lol.
I think something is wrong with my mousepad ( qpad ).
it used to be better, i mean, it slides too good now, guess thats why im aimless :/
anyway, about the hertz thingie, should i put it to 500?
im using 250 atm.
mouse is logitech mx518.
bad day / week
its everything about stablility
mouse rate
Sent by iddqd on Thursday 8th March 2007, 10:58
I have stable 125FPS, and i'm using MX518 @ 250Hz (stable), should i change my Hz to 500Hz (unstable) or to 125(stable) for perfect syncing? :P

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Sent by Neca on Saturday 10th March 2007, 22:15
is dit beter als the XP cpl
waarom ofzo :S?
wat is het verschil?

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elel hi
Sent by synoptek on Thursday 8th March 2007, 21:27
wat waren doe spreadbug aantallen? 166 en ??

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How about playing the game?
people were much happier before they learned about usb overclocking
Agree. Most people start occupying so much with their aim, that it totaly ruins their game. Focusing on your aim is very depressing in ET as you will get 3hs one time, the other time you get none. Most people play at their best when they can play the game and dont have to mind their aim.
ik kreeg precies dezelfde vragen, en van dezelfde personen zo'n beetje
ask perfo idd
i have G5 and 500hz.. should i change my Hz to 250Hz
Thats we call low skill
Like you were better once ?
try 125 hz then and fps 125 ... it should slow your aim :P

And stay with it as long as you will get better and dont be depressed on the begining.just play and have fun !!
Just get confidence on your duels and try not to get upset from every death, and always stay calm on at the duels ;]
you played to much. stop playing for a day or so...
Trye playing q3 and put some winamp music on ;).
Rock&Roll rocket jumps/stealing the flag, midairshots and running from 6 enemys will get your adrenaline pumping and aim better.

P.S I was at party, got drunk and somehow party was booring for me so I went home and start playing q3 :D so gaming 4eva!
pad/rates are for pros only imo it doesnt matter
Just go high sens, deathadder 1800 dpi 1000 hz 6 on deathadder for both y and x axis sens, and .666 sens in game, and win! :D
the depths of your retardation is truly unfathomable.
Internet :| serious business.
geblætnæbsch zeg.. get uh laif oid
lowskiller .
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