I'm dying

Not cool: Found a white spot on my tonsil last night, I had one a couple of months back but it came clean off when I rubbed it and it looked like a piece of food. So I found this other one and thought nothing of it. I could only get half of it off, so I got my mum (she used to be a dentist) to get it out. She pulled it off and this fucking growth just came out of my tonsil. It was white and felt like plastic, with three fins on it and caused my tonsil to bleed a bit, now my throat is a bit raw from a cigarette but it's got me really freaked out.

My dad reckons it's tonsillitis, but it for that you need white spots all over your tonsils, this was a fucking growth rooted into one tonsil. I'm kinda shook up because I hate hospitals and get the feeling it might have been carcinogenic (cancer runs in my family), because it stank of rotting flesh when it came out.

Anyone got any ideas as to what it might be whilst I wait for my appointment at the doctor's sometime next week?
picture pls
there's nothing there now, just a bit of a hole in my tonsil where the white thing was.
how did you pull it out? if i go anywere near the back of my throat i heave
Used a sharp tool for picking plaque off teeth, it took some time and I heaved a bit, but if you don't touch too hard it's ok.
I just read that it's bacteria and could be a sign of a small tumor. But i'm not a

I read it wrong it just acts like a tumor, it says its best to express it (which would probably mean pop it)


scroll down to the tonsil part.

edit: I would agree with what sheep posted, it's probably just an infection
i have had that once in the past! the doc said it was rotten food stuck in there :O it stunk of death!!!
U exepect too much of a gaming commmunity imo
fucking immigrant, stay off from congo
whats a tonsil?
rofl u idiot:D
give up smoking?
LMAO at the Gynecology one ;D

Some of those set my mind at rest, the one with the crevices in the tonsil sound like what I've got, but I'll still see the doctor to be sure. I do have a weak immune system simply because I'm not a healthy person (don't eat much fruit/veg, hardly exercise anymore, smoke too much etc).

I have a habit of immediately thinking the worse, seeing myself undergoing chemo and shit...

In short, thanks mate :)
why dont you ask if they will chemo your eyebrow while they look at the rest of you?

LoL you'll live
I used to get like frequent ulcers on my tongue, the top especially... I once picked one and pulled out a blue thread-like thing... was shitting my pants, thought it may have been a vein or something... still dunno what it was.

Have no idea what relevance this has but thought I might share it.
haha, well done pulling it out.
makes me feel uncosy :s
LOL, blue thing ;d
thx sheep I nearly just threw up.
I rubbed it and it looked like a piece of food

omg how can u rubb your tonsil :x i would puke
disinfect that shit with lots of vodka.

seems as good an excuse to drink lots of vodka :P
u speak sense

but any type of alcohol will do

basicly, get drunk l;ddd
I experienced something similar some time ago. I sneezed and something flew out of my throat. It was about 5mm long, white and looked like cauliflower. But I hadn't eaten cauliflower for at least 8 weeks. It smelled quite disgusting so I thought it was some piece of food that got stuck in my tonsil.

Btw how can you look at your own tonsil/touch it???
Could you send me a note and tell me what the doctor said? =)
ROFL i can imagine someone sneezing and a cauliflour flying out their mouth:D
me too, but here is a picture to make it even more clear:

image: cauliflower
haha gj posting this on xfire

gl though :<
Haha, at least I laughed reading this :')

I'll wait and see what the doctor says, but I'll definitely have a few triple measures of brandy tonight just to be sure I've disinfected my mouth properly ;)

This is what I have, so all appears ok: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsilloliths
that is disgusting.
and i have a sister ...
why dont you shave your bridge :-( you are not turkish !
If I did, I'd be able to see my monitor and I'd be able to own everyone in ET, and I don't want to make you pros look bad ;)

Besides which, it will only grow back quicker... :(
well, you gotta shave then all day :P
Then I won't be able to play ET, I'll be in the bathroom all the time with my face going numb from my shaving foam :XD
wtf is on with english ppl! does ur hair grow that fast?!
It would be back in 2 weeks np. I think I'm an un-evolved caveman tbh :D
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