fucked it up

i reinstalled et but now it gives windows error as soon as it gets launched

sometimes i get into et but if i want to enable punkbuster or type pb commands in console i get that same shitty windows error

plz help
1. format (if that doesnt work try 2.)
2. format (if that doesnt work try 3.)
3. format (if that doesnt work try 4.)
4. format (if that doesnt work try 1.)
1. format (if that doesnt work try 2.)
2. format (if that doesnt work try 3.)
3. format (if that doesnt work try 4.)
4. format (if that doesnt work try 1.)
1. format (if that doesnt work try 2.)
2. format (if that doesnt work try 3.)
3. format (if that doesnt work try 4.)
4. format (if that doesnt work try 1.)
1. format (if that doesnt work try 2.)
2. format (if that doesnt work try 3.)
3. format (if that doesnt work try 4.)
4. format (if that doesnt work try 1.)
1. format
2. ??????
1. get a life (this will not work try 2.)
2. Try to be funny (major failure try 3.)
3. just die ( hope this wil work)

kut community van men kloten
at least bit funny
sorry mate wished i could help you :<

But ET sucks ...
are u logged in as windows administrator?
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