fps problem

Are there any cvar or smth commands which could help me ?
I usually have only 60-70 fps on maps like grush, on radar theres only 50

my pc:
AMD K7 processo @ 1840MHz
1024 DDR ram
Radeon 9200 SE 128mb.

I use r_mode 4 and low details..

ps. i wont format
radar sucks just like ET get used to it.
css is low, get used to it
you dont hear me complain!
Hi andrjew the chefur!
turn off hax
It's normal, radar is a map with open spaces, that means more that your PC has to show, that means it requires more performance which means your FPS drops.
I suggest getting yourself a better CPU, it will probably help, RAM and GFX card don't matter that much.

EDIT: If none of the above works, ask perfo :P
low pc, had it too
get a cfg imo
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