smart 1 gf

my girl wants me 2 download a movie, and i said that my connection is slow so it will take time

she says:
wonder why you have a slow connection....
too much crapp on the computer

im glad i wasnt talking to her in realife when she said this, would have probably laughed!
whats bad about it? LoL
your g/f doesn't know about teh internetz? LOLOLOL
i bet she checks xfire everyday!
porn busted
2 much porn
The internet is .. is like.. a series of tubes...
she would be perfect for a show like "the beauty and the geek"
cause she really is pretty, but i sometimes wonder what really goes on in her brain :P
omg you have a girlfriend,can I shake your hand?
image: normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness

now we know why u laag! nice
That one looks like it was taken from the Prince of Tennis musical. :y
upload a pic :)
sorry I dont have any pics of your mom on my pc :<
are you sure? cuz im kinda sure u have taken som pics on her.
oh, she told you about those :/
she said she wasnt going to tell anyone about them!
yes kiitos. she just trickd u !!!!!!! owNED
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