razer tarantula kb

Anyone have it ? Is it any good? Im thinking of buying one as im sick of pressing r 4 times to reload because the keyboard I use atm wont let me :/

mx518 > all
G15 > all
so what is it? mx518 > G15 or G15 > Mx518 or mx518 < G15 or G15 < mx518
swas > twinza
dreams > you........... obviously
Not rly:X

Though, if you need some proffessional opinion, you know who to ask.
come to irc sometimes Oo
I'm liek there!
its always teebnc
Ye, guess so:)
helo App0l
get a ms comfort curve
n1ce keyboard
imo razer is never bad
the mize are very nice and dont think that a gamingkeyboard of razer is that worse than the logicech ones
The razer tarantula keyboard doesnt block keys when you hit multiple keys at once, which is the thing which makes it better than any other keyboard. Although it doesnt happen that often getting stuck because a key blocks is crap..
Well you can buy a Chicony keyboard for 3eur, which doesn't block the keys either.
lol plz..

G15 ofc
i have both - so stfu - i know what i was talking about
so if u say razer is better that must be true or what? like i didn't test both. fucking smart guy i just give my own opinion
the g15 had a terrible quality and the keys are loosing their color.... maybe u like it ?
omg really nice arguments u dont like the keyboard becuz keys losing color omfg so when ur playing ur lookin in keyboard im talking about technical info, drivers etc.
drivers are fine - imo as good as logitech

But im really sorry... im german, im studying engineering and stuff - i care about quality and when i say logitech<razer is the technological aspect of my opinion flawless....

and i dont also care about money - so get lost plz
u only know to say get lost shut the fuck up like ur engineer for keyboards how many times do i need to say im just giving MY opinon u gave urs and dont be so smart cuz ur not.

but cant u see - my opinion>Yours :D
o rly? and how that come explain plz
Im a HardwareGURU ! i spent the last 8 years with configurating and selling PCs u can only dream about :]
ye sure and im a pokemon

P.S: the g15 had a terrible quality and the keys are loosing their color - u must be teh real GURU lol
its a fact and a lot of people have the same probs.... the g15 simply has a quality problem - face it nub
what exactly do you mean with "quality" ?

Quote MorBiuZ on 13/03/07, 18:04:41 PM | Reply

drivers are fine - imo as good as logitech

But im really sorry... im german, im studying engineering and stuff - i care about quality and when i say logitech<razer is the technological aspect of my opinion flawless....

and i dont also care about money - so get lost plz

yeah and u were stoned...
i mean - i buy a 90€ logitech keyboard and on the whole produktline the users are suffering from the same problem...
You behave like a 7 year old. You dont argue but pretend to be smart...

So i made a picture for you.... go on and search the mistake - if you cant find it im going to help you Mr Pokemon.

genau morb! mowl!
SteeKeys 6G

image: 771-967
no, i stole it from www.hardwaresecrets.com :-@
I WANT A KEYBOARD THAT DOESNT HAVE FN KEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111
try again, i forgot a d ;-@
líke, my pc keyboard from packard bell, its got zem fn keyezZz, like if you press f1 with fn keyezZz you get like my documents opened ;-@
Get the Razer Professional keyboard (white one with an iPod dock built into it). It's basically the same as the tarrantula, but white, with iPod dock and inbuilt USB hub (if I remember correctly).
but white
Nein, nicht laptops, but liek keyboards, on my laptop you gotta press ze fn key + other keyes, but with ze keyboards its either on or off =\
Volgens mij niet, mijn vorige toetsenbord was usb en kon ook maar 4 toetsen tegelijk verwerken..
waste of money imo
6.50e labtec>all only lets me push 2 or 3 buttons a time, so my teammates always ask why i swear so much about my keyboard ;<
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