Game Start (raptus)

Well I had an interview 6 months ago at midday for a software developing firm in a town not far away from me. And I got the job but I noticed that I have some of the code ready already. Depending on the hours I'll have to play ET I might have to leave job for ET :o. I'll still be working from time to time but if I don't thanks to everyone for making my job so special.

Personal shoutouts:

-Jaki for being a good boss and letting me play ET while supposed to be working
-Ana for borrowing me her mouse at work
-Sammy, why did you get fired? :/
-guy who opened the door for me every day, eventhough he is the doorman
-guy in the office near me for kicking my ass @ cs:s
-coffee girl for making me coffee every day

I'll make one final ego piece of software so don't worry!!

Thanks for the time guys X
not funny imo.
but it so is! I am still rofling lol!
you really are a loser
how did you know?

who have you been talking to about me? O_o
i know all about you and your naughty magazines under your bed
stop talking to my mother :<
i heard your a fucking retard.

They were correct.
ofc when I was the one to spread that rumour :s

don't really see your point
Take the word You're and Retard.

Work it out yourself dipshit.
ah, you see it can be confusing because you wrote your, but you are from UK so it's not surprising

eventhough, if I started the rumour that I'm retarded, you don't really need to confirm that since I already know it
I'm glad you know it. Friends?
hmm, I'm not really sure if I want to be friends with a person that confirms everything I already know, what's the use of a friend like that :[
are you the guy that pings 200 and say that lag doesnt give you an advantage? because im confused its some rapture rapt6re raptus guy no idea...
is it you ?
are u nils , like nils nils nils or something, is it YOU?
nah, I used to have a nick similar to this (rpt7zZ) for a while, after I saw that frozzen stole my nick

but now I use a different nick
and now 2-3 other people stole your nick :D
not really!
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