mystic multihack?!

What is best to use.

125 fps in game (not constant on gold or radar), 125 mouse hz + 85 hz for monitor, 100 maxpackets, etc


85 capped in game, 85 monitor hz, 500 hz for mouse + 85 maxpackets.

Someone said it's better to sync monitor refresh rate with fps but then someone said you should sync mouse hz with fps :(

help meh! (don't say personal preference plz)

Basically, i want to improve my tracking aim because it is horrble at the moment.
If someone could pm me to help me on this stuff, that would be great because i am always getting owned in long range shooting, even when i shoot first, why?! :X

Other n1 stuff:
i use arrow keys
g5 (no weights) + qpad (only 3/4 used because too little space)
25cm -> 180 degrees (no tracking does not get better with higher or lower sens)

EDIT: Rather than posting your settings, it would be nicer if you could say WHY? - Thanks
i use 125 maxfps 500hz mouse 100maxpackets 75 hz @ monitor

G5 + SpeedLink ;)
why nothing synced?
cuz playing with 75 fps sucks?
why not sync 125 with 125 mouse hz
500 is more cool.
latency of the mouse. 125hz responds slower than 500hz.

The rest of your settings are basically dependent on your monitor if you want to sync stuff.

I myself have had it synced and non-synced and it doesnt matter much at all.
so 500 is always better than 125? for mouse
if you want the fastest response from your mouse, yes.

if you want zero-movement-spread, then 125hz with 250fps will do ;P
thinks 76 fps is just over all best
r_displayrefresh 100
fps 125
r_mode 5
mouse hz 500

try that 1
r_mode 5 = window ? or can be full screen ?
can be full, first r_mode after connection go to system and put it on 800*600 ;) and than u have fullscreen:)
so basically you are putting it on r_mode 4 manually each time, gg
eigelijk welja
zet dan gewoon gelijk r_mode 4 in je cfg imo.
nee want dan ismijn beeld gwn klein is vet vaag, ikheb hem op hele hoge resolutie staan:) drm moet ik het zo doen:)
you have to add 960x720@(with right hz) resolution in gfx drivers to run r_mode 5 on full screen. (works with forceware drivers atleast)
in mode 4 i have 100hz in mode 6 its 85hz... in r_mode 5 the displayrefresh will be ? and mode 5 is better in something that 4 (i've use this mode) soz for english skills :(
"with right hz" i mean that you have to also input hz which u want to use with the resolution. same way u can also use 111 hz or 125 hz or xxxhz with other resolutions.
default cfg
get a screen that can handle 120 hz and play @ 125 / 120 / 500

Ortherwise just test yourself.
u better tell me how to change the mouse hz o.O
USB Mouserate Switcher.
ist ads irgendwie gefährlich?
kann glaube ich dein usb-port schrott machen ^^
cl_maxpackets 100
com_maxfps 76
mouse 500 hz
imo the disussion is useless cause everyone knows dofferent facts bout that... but noone has the technical knowledge to argue...people only say what they have read here once

ask wipeout, he wrote an article in english bout that 1 year ago. it explains why it´s like that but i doubt there´s a solution that works for everyone. just trust ur feeling imo...

for me: 125fps, 100maxp, 75Hz (but TFT), ? mouserate (mx518, didnt change settings)
you want to make your tracking better?
tell me then, what some settings have to do with it, lol?

just go on ffa, play radar, go axis, take fieldops, go east radar and shoot shoot shoot to those bastards coming out of cp till you have nice tracking :)

well i got only 75Hz monitor (LCD) so i have 76 fps and 75 Hz monitor, its quite cool. I'm not sure if syncing monitor with fps is good for your eyes or smth :) Also, some dropdowns of fps (no stability) makes fps 75 rather than 76 tbh (75,x). My mouse is unable to have changed Hz, 125 Hz set and dead locked. maxpackets... rly see no difference between 100, 76, 60 or anything...

but as i see you got supapwnzorPC, so technical side of et shouldnt be problem for you. i dream about stable 60 fps on grush and stable 50 on radar^^

edit: and remember, imo the most important thing is to stay away from negative acceleration. you must decrease it. if you do it, you can feel that you can make everything with your mouse. where you move it on pad you move it there on monitor.
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