EC/OC signup - rating 9/10

From the CB site :

Note: 10 being the best clan there is and 8 still being a European top clan.
It will be publicly viewable in the list of subscribed clans, so please be honest.

suXus esports 40 / 40 10
overdose gaming 18 / 18 9
clan west 3 / 3 9
Negative-image 15 / 15 9
elite 22 / 22 9
Impact Gaming 1 / 1 10
Team Exilium 17 / 15 9

Always funny to see the ratings that teams are giving themselves. I guess dignitas needs a rating of 12 then. Imo CB should punish liars by moving them to OC div. delta.

Well, at least I got smth to laugh about on my way to work ;)
It's always funny :)

But I don't think punishing them by moving them to 6rd division will be very popular by the 6st division teams ;)

Heck, we almost beat suXus, so we must be 9 :D But we're not, IMO :)
if you are playing you will get a 10!
I don't get what you are saying.
Well you say you almost won, but were do you base this "almost" on, on the fact that you set an "okay" time on goldrush?
I'm basing that on, that we made a mistake on goldrush and "only" set a time of 8 minutes something. I am also basing it on the fact that I felt we were better than them.

If we would have won goldrush, I also think we would have won radar.

That's all :)
Yeah you got a point, but this is ET and anything can happen in a match ;p

And about suXus giving themselves a 10, it's because ClanBase blocked the way to EC twice for a lot of the players in the team, so they writed a 10 "to take no risks" ;p
zeroPoint! Gaming 20 / 20 9 Only
exactly - thats a decent rating - beaten just by the EC Winner dignitas who deserves a 10. So?

For a better understanding - this should point out the ratings that are bullshit ;)
the ratings are bullshit and the admins dont care about it.
I found it bit ironic though ;)
AuXiliA.ET 30 / 0 10 Only - new team has 0 officials played? why not every team just add all the officials the multigaming has played 8-DD lets see, we have 10 ET squads, they have all played 5 officials, wohoo, we can add 50 officials to our EC request.

Impact Gaming 1 / 1 10 Only - 1 official played + 10 rating \o/
+ they lost their first official
But they have mystic oMiGaWd.
well im not saying they are bad team, just overrating themself as usual.
Not as much as the scene overrates them.
But they have mystic!
But they don't have Lepari!
and they have tiigeri....
Sure it's a bit dishonest, but you're promoting yourself, obviously there's going to be an exaggeration. Especially if you already know everyone else is going to give themselves an +4 rating.

Besides, if they are considered to have a chance to beat dignitas, at least a 9 rating is in order. :)

And finally, let me quote: "Ratings are almost totally irrelevant for EC stuff."
yeah I know, its same every season. :p
what are u talking about?


impact gaming..


thought a second u were talking about auxilia.. who actually have won all their 3 offis.. 3 aint aint much of course, but regarding matches and not playernames, we should be better ranked then
yeah.. 3 offis.. on the page it says 30, not bad. point proven.
30? wow.. must be a typing mistake:D

dont think we can fool anyone in having 30 offis:D

but atleast we have done good in the offis we have played. And i do hope it will continue during ETmasters.

But i totaly agree that the only team who should be ranked 10 is dignitas. After that it should be 8 and 9 on the "next-best teams"... so we should have ranked us 8 or 9.. since we arent really dignitas.. (yet.::>>>)
typing mistake or a way to try and fool the admins..
if u belive we will fool the admins by saying we got 30 offis, when im sure the CB admins who know most of us pretty good, know that we havent played 30 offis, u cant belive the cb admins have much of a brain..

dont worry decem, im sure that the cb admins know what they need to know about the teams they will give direct invite or qualifier match for EC.

and im sure its not how many offis they have stated on the CB site, or what rank they give themself that will be the reason for picking teams.
I know, but why lie @ those if u can just insert the right stuff? especially @ offis which actually can be true. its not impossible for a team to have 30 officials played.
we played 3 officials. vib, a+r, neg image. we won all. so thats not the point
Beating those 3 teams means u have to put rating 10?
same procedure as every season, james.
is it for spring or?
Darky but it is funny also when you set up new mix team before EC and you have played 0 matches. But everyone knows you have played before in EC. Normaly these teams gona die after 1-2 group games
And only dignitas aka is 10 ...

EuroCup XIV

EuroCup XII

EuroCup XI
amonkeys didnt play any games before EC?
why would someone play official präcs in cb?

Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability (i.e. the ability to complete leagues) and their strength as proven by official match results (or the results of their players in other clans). Practice results are irrelevant
u dont need to play officials to get a direct invite to EC. Officials are one of the most overrated things in ET
and what i need to do then when i want to play in EC ?
suck admins **** and ignore the rules again ?
just go to some skilled team and prac with them
how can i know is the team skilled or not `?
by results or by .... ?
i dont want to play in 3weeks clan like you did
and call it skilled team.
1st u need to get some skill to get in to some good team. afaik i havent played in any 3weeks clans but im sure u know this better than i do like most euros do
i have some skill but how i can be sure that the clan wich i want to join is skilled and it will be play in EC ?
try get in to some team that have good players
and how do i know are the players good or bad ?
Cause they played in last EC ?
Maybe a newcommer team can be better vs oldies ?
Etc Incomplete.
No EC players but what the hell they got at least 1 win in group stages/Amonkeys not. And they are still playng imo !
When u get more skill u can tell which players are good and who suck.
Sure newcommers can be better than oldies.
Incomplete has smth like 5 players that have played 3 years this game so i wouldnt take them as an example for being newcommers. Many of them has also played in the same clan before inc, if u didnt know that.
A-monkeys won one match and also lost one match in last EC and after we won our game we folded, if u didnt know that.
Inc doesnt play atm but they are starting to play again soon, if u didnt know that.
the very last question :D (when you aswer correctly)
How can cb admins know is your clan good or bad ?
Admins should ask the players who play in the top competition level of ET. Admins dont play this game, they just spec and make useless comments every now and then.
lol :D wrong answer.
How can admins decide who are top players who not ...
well ask dignitas/amenti/zp/impact who would they like to play against in EC
Not true. How good a team is doesn't necissarily depend on how good they are in offi's, but it does matter for EC. Matches in EC are, surprise, officials. If your team plays well in pracs but doesn't win offi's, do you really think they deserve to play in EC?
All i said is that u dont need to play offis to get in EC and offis are lol.
Well, if you don't play any offi's prior to EC, how would you know your team can stand the pressure ( or whatever other reason teams have to fuck up officials ) when playing offi's in EC? How good a team is doesn't depend on offi's, but offi's and pracs are still completely different matches in most cases.
u think that top-teams would lose matches because the players have to much pressure because of ettv and some random sc is in the server?
No, but not every team in EC is a real top-team.
Common, you can't seriously believe that every team that gets into EC without winning any officials is a topteam, just because they have famous players? The officials aren't necissary, but everyone can see how a team did in offi's, they can't in pracs.
In your next reply i would like to know where did i say that team with famous players is automatically a topteam. Why whould people need to see how good teams are before the EC? Once again all i said was that u dont need to play officials to get in EC.
Well, I assume it would be helpfull to know wether a team is good before getting into EC. The reason certain teams get invited without playing any officials is usually because they have famous players.

So, a random team with 6 famous players forms about a month before EC. Noone has ever seen them play, yet they get to play EC based on names alone. During EC people get to see the team play for the first time, and the team gets raped by every other team in EC. Does that sound fair to you? I'd prefer seeing how good the team was before letting them play EC, instead of giving them an invite based on names.

Sure, you don't have to play officials to get into EC, but it would be helpfull.
Thats true that the team with famous players have advantage when they are trying to get in EC but still where did i say that team with famous players is automatically a top-team?

You would prefer to see how good they are before letting them play in EC? You nor the people on xfire dont make that decision and that decision should be made by the players who play in the top competition level of ET, not those nub cb admins. Not every team with 6 famous players and 0 officials gets raped in EC but if the admins would ask the TOP-PLAYERS/TEAMS what they think about the invites EC could be nicer.
True, it's obviously the top players that know the scene best, but the problem you face with that is that it's more biased compared to, more ignorant, CB admins picking the teams. That doesn't mean "people like me" who "don't play on a high level" ( nice being subjective ) can't have a valueble opinion either. I also played most teams in the last EC, why would I actually have to play EC to judge the teams I play?

And you're right; you didn't say top players make a top team, eventhough that's still the general opinion.
Yeah sure you can have valuable opinions and u can judge the teams as much as u want but those decisions should be made by the people who play in EC, just because they are playing in EC.

I wouldnt see it to be fair if only top-teams had a change to say how this game should be played in competition level and how the game should evolve when there are thousands of other etplayers playing this game.
you shouldn't care.
Give yourself high ratings & select the 'EC only' option guarantees you of playing next EC according to Adacore!
kholic's pretty much got it. Ratings are almost totally irrelevant for EC stuff. Their major use is OC sorting of the unknown teams. We get hundreds of signups and can't possibly accurately rate them all ourselves, so we ask them for some help. It also allows known OC teams who are on division boundaries to indicate if they want a relatively high div or a low div.
then perhaps you should not have them rate on a scale of 1 to 10 but simply ask "In which league do you prefer to play!"
Just add a comment for the supervisor about it - maybe it works - atleast it should according to achivements and matches u had.
what's wrong with just asking where they want to play if all this rating system does is to help admins where ppl should be playing. Just ask where they want to play and see how it fits. Should make your lives a lot easier than browsing throught the "We pwn everyone"-wannabe-ratings.
ye, i totally agree m8 :) I just wanted to say it's already possible to say "we want to be 1st division" and stuff, not with rating but with a comment you can add when u sign up your team
How do they know how many leagues there will be? If we have 100 signups total we could only have 2 leagues, but 400 signups might mean 8.
who cares, dignitas will win anyways :P
in their dreams.
QuoteImo CB should punish liars by moving them to OC div. delta.

So who are you punishing here? The liars or the fair ones in ;-)
fuckface monkeytard
Ratings are totally unimportant for EC anyway.
But darky,since 8 is still top european clan take a look on teams with rating 8. Do they deserve it? No.
if u rate urself with 9 no wonder others rate themselves with 8 or 10. ;>
Sainted goes Q4:

70 Sainted 0 / 0 1 No

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