prob help pleezz

When i /quit my et my computer freezes; but when i push the on/off button of my pc i can click on smth again but my pc turns off then so i dont have anything to that iand if i do /vid_restart it will do the same help plezz
Try playing ET without hax.
imo hes not teh add!ct ;D
He's the adct from Groningen/NL. Who get busted very often. :)
Hahahahaha funny (not) stopped haxxing like 1month 2 months ago

true @ vi3ch
Not funny or you "not" stopped cheating? :O)
not funny & i did stop cheating:o
Well a random guy named Peter Lustig stopped murder 2 months ago. After he killed 5 children. LET HIM FREE PLS!
u cant compare that 2 things with eachoter and i wanna bet 1000 euros that u cheated 2
The intensity of the actions maybe not, but the logical yes. Of course cheating is not comparable to killing. But also the prison is not comparable to a Clanbase ban. And still it is the same way of logic.
congraz you won a
image: bee
for your room
format ;)
adct tha noob, guys let him suffer don't help him :o
maybe gfx abit low? or it just like that happend, might be pb
happens for me pc crashs / cant move anything for outher games, cuz i got geforce 5300 :P
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