ET mouse/keyboard problems

Im having a rather annoying problem with my comp, sometimes in mid firefights or just general running around, my mouse&keyboard will just completely stop rsponding. and whatever i was doing at the time well keep on doing it, eg. i had my left key down & mouse 1 down, it will run left and keep shooting, then after about 5 secs it will stop, and i can carry on normally, any ideas what the problem could be and steps to fix it. genuine help please anyone who says ask perfo or calls hax will get a reply with a picture of tubgirl.
ask perfo (i want pica with tubgirl!)
ask perfo (i want pica with two tubgirls!)
Well tell us what keyboard and mouse you have.
I have feeling you are useing wireless keyboard and mouse and you just have low battery on them.
my computer specs are actually in my profile

Mouse - Logitech mx518
keyboard - Compaq something or other
both wired
They both use USB. trye to change USB ports like put mouse in FRONT usb and keyboard at the back. Trye to put keyboard on p2 with adapter.
only my mouse is usb, keyboard is ps2.
why does everyone write "ask perfo" :(((((((
ask perfo (i want pica with two tubgirls!)
ask perfo (i want pica with two tubgirls!)
do you have enough power to your pc?
im not sure cause im noob at pcs, but i can remember similar problems where the mouse didnt work becuz the power supply wasnt powerful enough
I was thinking same as kiitos. It's probably some power supply thing, because both are connected to usb (I guess) and won't get enough power. Do u have them connected in same port via an usb hub or something? Try changing the ports.
and How many W your power supply got?
I have a 470watt thermaltake power supply, and have tried my mouse in all 7 of my usb ports.
that should be enough watts. Have u tried other mouses/keyboards?
What if u try only one of them, like plugging off the other one, does it still happen to freeze?

Do u have other usb stuff connected to your pc?
will try a different keyboard when i get home, and i have an external hardrive, internet and printer plugged in usb ports, internet + printer 2 years old, hardrive just before christmas.
problem started around the middle of februrary.

Only my mouse is usb, keyboard is the purple PS2 plug
how is your internet plugged in usb, is it some modem or what :P ?

I don't think changing keyboard would help if it's not usb...

Does it ever happen when u aren't playing ET? Like in different games or just in windows?
It only does it in games, like ET and track mania i have never seen it do it in windows.

And i have a USB cable modem.

I dont see how it can be a usb problem, when my keyboard stop responding too.
well, usb problems are often like this. But I agree it prolly isn't due to usb, because of the kb.

I guess I can't help u then :/
Lower your com_hunkmegs.
wireless i'net?
i have exactly the same problem.
i have same problem (mx518 and ps2 keyb)
just do a bios update/clean install before trying everything else. Otherwise its probably the mobo.
yeah was planning to reformat at the weekend if all else fails.

no need to do i bios update if ive never had problems before tbh
it sometimes happens to me when i press 'alt' :<
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