need pc

hi xfire

i need a new pc..but im just playing et so i dont need a alienware for 2500 € :
im able to pay 600-700 €
someone got nice sites or shops??
1st (3 up - 4 down)
i will send you one, pm me your address
thx perfo xDDD
Buy a good cpu and a decent gfx card and thats all you need.
The computer @ your profile is good enough imo
just 50-80 fps
buy more ram, that's all u need
Parent or
warch out there are good gameserver and i think there were some pc's for home but i cant find it imo :x
c2d E6300 , 2 gb geforce 8800 GTS 320
125 fps are very important =)
Just buy new RAM.
buy haxx
its cheaper
Looking at your hardware in you profile you will only need more RAM and a new video card.
k thx ill look at ebay :D
Don't you have a computer store in you neighbourhood? It's a lot easier then ordering via e-bay and you wil get it inmideatly. Just a suggestion.

Good luck with it!
just go and check pricewatch, there you can see all kinds of computer parts arranged by price...
ET dont need RAM, et using processor, u need a new one if u wanna have more fps.
no i'm not stupid, its not like other game...
Faster RAM (lower latency) would also give a signifcant FPS rise, also his graphic card is probably the limiting factor on maps like radar so yeah.
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