battery back in cups // leagues ?

battery back in cups // leagues ? what do you think ?

discuss :D
Railgun > Battery but it needs to be improved :(
totally agree
snow maps suck imo :[[ excpet for frost + its 90% outside
it would be nice to see battery again
its shit, getting spammed at the back entrance by rifle and grenades sux
no plz i dont like this map
oasis > all
Agree,oasis = old skool = teh shit
was sure battery is a comp. map since our testmatch 141 years ago
railgun is most sucky map
battery second most sucky map
then comes looong nothing and then valhalla
battery sucks..
get oasis back !
"don't dig up what your ancestors buried"
Crap map, bringing it back would be stupid.
need africa lookinglike map!
too easy for any1 whos even halfway decent with panz
agree with thate one to
bring it back , nice map
battery and oasis would be nice to see them back in action :D
We need battery! :P
Tbh I'd give it a chance, it's gonna be played anyway in ET Masters ;-)
Saberpeak > Cathedral > Village > Beach > Oasis > Goldrush > Reactor > Supply > Battery
Saberpeak is de mAx !
Oasis > Battery. All> Battery & Railgun...!
battery yes and fuel
I like battery. Without mortar and mines it´s easier to pass to first stage.
BUT: There should be 1 or 2 changes imho:
1) It would be easier to attack if Allies could spawn at the command post
2) There is a mapscript which makes the ramp destroyable for dynamite only (not sachtel), which could be another improvement (don´t know for sure as I didn´t played battery for a long time, so there are no experiences with the new config)

When I read the other comments I guess the journal should be renamed to: Battery sucks :>
that reason was mortar, now that mortar is gone, go battery!
battery is a pretty nice map to be played in competitions.

need some improves but the community can make good changes on that map! :o)
reactor :P
sw_fueldump is good
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