Best Mouse ???

Best Gamer Mouse LOGI or RAZER .... ?????
depends on what you presonally prefer imo, i think stats are pretty equal of Logitech mx...,g. etc and razer randomanimalname.
As in for example "DiamondBack"? :P
Isn't a Diamondback a snake as well?

Edit: It is
OhMaGod you're too smart 4 me! :(
I didn't realise but you're right :o
At least you accept your defeat!
I can indeed! :D
can't say "the best mouse", it's your own opinion

buy a newest version of your mouse
copperhead please
Hi spectre <3
izi bash copperhead
logitech FTW
1- mx300
2- diamondback / deathLOLadder
y0ga flame

I enjoy a mx500 but would love to try a smaller mouse, like the deathadder.
The copper just didn't fit my hand, accidently pressing mouse 2 and the sidebuttons on the right all the time, especially when the game gets chaotic!

wasted money on G5, which doesn't work in cpma (skips). In ET it's useless to play lowsens with it. A hard/fast 180 turn is not possible @ lowsens
the deathadder is not that much smaller than logitechs hand-shaped series ( mx5XX & G5/G7 )

you should perhaps try the Logitech G1, same shape as the mx300, with the optics of mx510 ( NOT G3 - same laser as G5 )

just a suggestion :)
No side buttons :o
cheers anyway
omg mind that mouse has the worst review ever :<
change Hz to 333!
I use an Logitech mx518 with a nice smooth Qpad lowsense, works for me.

It takes a while to find the right combination of mice/pads/settings
moving soon from g5 to razer death adder :)
one big step as i never used anything but logitch mice
left handed gamers -> GOO razer !
still sticking to my MX510, tried G5 and sold it
[x] LOGI
used logi mx500 .. now razer copperhead
i like the razer more :>
y0da u have to use mx518 400DPI 500Hz :O)
Id take Logitech G5, the perfect gaming mouse, out of all the mice ive tried. theres quite a few.
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