cant change my guid :(

» You can update your Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PB Guid only once every 168 hours.

Good to know, but how the hell am i supposed to know when did i change it? Some more relevant info like how much hours left or the last datetime i changed it would be nice.
How often do you intend to change your guid, that such an info is needed?
i did want to link my xfire profile to yawn and entered wrong guid :<
try guidspoofer.exe
allowed by cb btw
Kamz got busted for guidspoofing Butchji. CB said is was kk. And i've seen that guidspoofer.exe a lot lately.
i manipulate your soul
raping your existance
in darkness
n1 posting Kataklysm lyrics on xfire, but Bolt Thrower > Kataklysm
well yeh, I always love it when people post stuff like that without proper grounding, people like what people like, nothing you can do about it!
I know Chaoz, im allowed to fight with him publically over petty reasons. :)
lügen. mal nach einem bolt thrower blog suchen

aber bands die man live gesehen hat findet man immer besser als andere. ich habe quasi eine emotionale bindung zu kataklysm aufgebaut
Ich mag die nich so, bzw. die alten Sachen gefallen mir besser. Aber schlecht sind se ja nich. ;D
talking about Death Metal, try Lykathea Aflame
Heard one song of them years ago but i cant remember anything. :P But things like Psycropsy are nice as well. o/
Sorry, I don't listen to emo.
A year will come when 3 Nines will collide...
This year will be 1999.
The 1st Day of Renewal ending the year with this
1st Day of Betrayal... 666 1st
Another Rebirth on the 19th og Febuary 1999...
A Crusader will make, himself heard...
The Awakener... 666 1st.
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