lans this summer?

Sombody has a idea what kind of lan there will be in the summer? 3v3 and 6v6 thanks
CPC2 April, Quakecon August, CPC3 September/October time perhaps?
enlarged in alsfeld germany. Last year there was team ger -butch +Melkor and stfo
cu @lan zero
ich sag denen ich bin von team greece und darf deswegen dahin! nP!
ma gucken! :)
July, LamerLAN at Ronners place in Netherlands Rotterdam.
count me in! :D
funny, you not knowing what i am talking about
even if, i was talking about something different...
If Netherlands The Party V will be succesful we will try to get ET at the Netherlands Netgamez 2007B as well.
Goed bezig Sainted! =o]
as i have got ONLY a greek passport and i can speak, write and read greek i can say that i am a greek

now please leave me alone laurens...
feel free to do that i wont do anything anymore as i dont care...
as i said before, i dont care anymore...

btw that log is kind of old...

im off now, cu
need some info!
November Poland Poznan - PGA 2007
anyways dont blame me, i know - november aint summmer :)
FOM in Belgium - 6-7-8 july
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