My Desktop :-)
14 Mar 2007, 17:02
Click to enlarger, I implemented ET Servers into my Rightclick menu :D
Distro: Sidux
WM: Xfce4.4
WP: Nelly Furtado :)
Comments plz
Distro: Sidux
WM: Xfce4.4
WP: Nelly Furtado :)
Comments plz
simple kde
i'm not looking for a good looking os/theme but something that fits my needs. too bad that a typical windows user will use anything fancy eventho its minimal requirments are ridicilous and it crashes all the time - but hey, it's important that it looks good! VIVA LE VISTA
if i wanted my desktop to look nice, i could use XGL (check google video) and some other various effects - what for? :rolleyes:
my reply still stays: "ugly" :)
right click my computer, performance, turn off all visual effects
services.msc, turn off all unnecessary system processes
Only reason why I dont want to use linux is because it has no ventrillo support :/
.. not on mine desktop
Open an Editor:
cd /home/LUCI/enemy-territory
startx /home/LUCI/enemy-territory/et.x86 +connect <IP Here> $* -- :1
Save as ETServer1 in /usr/bin.
Right Click on Desktop -> Settings -> Menu Editor -> New Entry
Name: <Servername here>
Command: ETServer1
Thats it. :)
Btw, Yes, TS2 sux :D
I have Linux CentOS on my laptop... but it's crap! :D
I was going to install Ubuntu on my PC but the next day I broke my PC. :p
Anyways... it looks nice! :]
edit: To chaplja and weeZy: What's the easiest Linux to use for a dumb person like me? :p
It can't be easier anyway.
On servers I prefer FreeBSD or something :)