England has gotta be one of the best countries in the world, we have lost so many lives for so many countries so many wars and so many times have we not been respected for what we have done and what we have produced to this world of ours, now ehm the french can jus suck my cock for all i care cos they run off holdin there balls when it comes to saving lives and winning wars... sorry guys but you are jus too wimpy for this world its been proven and u guys jus suck. simple as, jus carry on suckin your mums nipple cos thats the closest thing to fame you'll ever have.... one french guy will tell you yoyo i suck my mums nipple. ye okaay. the whole morale of this little post is i just wanna know the thoughts of the you guys wether england has done enough for this worls or not simple has and if u say no then back it up and tlel us what your country has done that has produced more than england.... nuff said.
Belgian beer.
Belgian chocolates.
Belgian waffles.
Almost beating brazil on WC 2002.
what wc was that?
The non-existant one. Maybe he means 2002...you know...the one where Ronaldinho > David Seaman.
I did mean that one, just a typo.

And we almost won, but nooooo, that stupid Jamaican referee disallowed a perfect legitimate goal.
"Belgian beer."

Definately agree on that one. Chimay is just awesome.
it all sux imho
thx, i lol'd
I discovered the cookie! :)
Kissing Bush's butt is not an achievement.
England, the USA from Europe.

Obese and warlike people :)
rN, tell me...do you know the last time ENGLAND was at war with someone?

The wars you refer to really suggest that you mean 20th and 21st Century wars. What about the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish who've lost their lives in those wars as part of the same army?

People can be so ignorant...:-\

BTW: rN, you missed out MarTy on the UpRoaR lineup. :o
Dont think that you can ever say England did enough for the world when you know how many countries it destroyed or enslaved :)

P.S. I dont really care though, cause you cant change the past, but you brought it up
not to forget the brilliant attack on iraq
thanks for saving my life, once again.
wahahaha thx for the irl lol
NL> england.
smallest country in the world which has been a superpower :O
Congrats, you enslaved some underdeveloped countries, raped their women, killed their men and spoiled their kids.
Yet still not as bad as what the Germans have done.
Why do you tell me that? Firstly I'm not german and secondly that's not an excuse.
hdf deutscher!
Your just jealous!!!1
owell, the "you" is a bit misplaced, some peope in a country cant do a thing bout that sort stuff, ofc every country has some negative and positive's things
*thought* they were a superpower!
minor difference :)
We were actually, sux2bebelgian rafiki ;}
Ja, precies of België altijd een klein shitland is geweest :D
En wij hebben tenminste Pater Damiaan!
was belgie toen geen deel van de nederlanden?
Jeps, België was eerste deel Duitsland-Frankrijk, daarna van de Habsburgers totdat de Fransen zich kwamen moeien! Maar nadat Napoleon ferm op z'n bakkes is gegaan zijn we weer deel van de nederlanden gewoon maar om buffertje te spelen tegen Frankrijk.
niet zo wijs jongeman :D
sorry, can't help it :D
doesn't change the fact that england looks a borring place...

always cloudy. people look boring, and you are all pale white!
pale force!
uk was the first country to industrialise and led the world for a long time, it has contributed more to the "western" civilisation than any other country easily (there is no arguement)

england (south anyway) has a huge mix of cultures so stfu with "pale, ugly" bullshit when you havent even been here. come down to london i bet its a whole lot "cooler" than your shit town. furthermore it rains far less here than many many european countries so get your facts straight. the weather is also a lot better than north eu countries.

ofc we have a great class division here, where the working class (the commoners/peasants) are scumbag thick hooligans that go and watch football and look ugly and ruin the uk image
haha it is definately not better than the weather in Finland, Sweden and Norway.
I agree London weather isn't all that bad it's 16C or something here these days.
In the later period of England's exsistance, you surely did alot, especialy concerning cultural uprise, but the fact you were expansive bastards that tyrannized every place on earth you could doesn't make you look so good.

The one and only thing that saves you is the fact UK bands and artists are absolutely the ones who contributed most to music! <3
Jesus christ you're fucking ignorant, it's ignorant cunts like you that makes so many people hate us.
who the fuck are you? give your head a wobble.
i think if u were a german 75 years ago, u would have chosen NSDAP...
Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae
England used to be a nice country. Now it's shit, the government's pathetic, we're so multicultural we can't be classed as English anymore. Down by me we can't have a santa or a christmas tree up town becuase it "offends" the other cultures, while they can do what the fuck they like and get away with it. The weather is wierd and it's only gonna get worse...
England is a joke, we have a lot of good people but they're all working normal simple day jobs when there the ones who should be running the country. Not these fuck ups like tony blair who is a complete idiot and gordan brown can't even keep a straight face when trying to give out a speech.

makes me sick and probably a lot of other english ppl who are even the least bit patriotic.
Don't forget to sing the national anthem every morning and salute the flag.

Oh, and sorry to hurt your feelings, but you got a lousy topleveldomain ;(.
england is gods country. it was either samuel pepys or oscar wilde who said "tired of london, tired of life, for everything you could wish for in life can be found in london".
more stupid nationalism :D And don't forget to start up your atom bombs. ;)
i only think england is nice cause it has a splodge/maverick and a bulldog
Ye you should be proud on your country, because it goes to war..
Inselaffen Revolution!!! ahhhh
most stupid and embaressing journal i have seen on crossfire in ages

sweden, peace.
haha love the flame nice1. im proud to be "ENGLISH" what can i say! true manc. Notice the flag! i love it! xxx

Big shoutout to my boys:

Netherlands abort
Sweden maxxar
Wales sqzz
Denmark gyzr
Netherlands aphesia
Austria rapture

Got a gully lil friend, Lil gully man, gully wiv a leng.
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