ET Pack 1.3 ?

No, not released yet, but i need some ideas what to change.
I was thinking about to remove "warbell" from the maplist and adding another map, which one? That's your decision ( hi @ ;D ).

I'm planning to add a small folder for Movie Making stuff.
It should includ the "UV-Movie Maker" and a "Movie Config".

Any more ideas what to add/change?
remove the useless etminimizer you have in that pack and add this one
CAn i have your config ? Thank you.
*add wolfcam
*maybe remove some programs for legal issues
*make an installer
*make a linux version, maybe linux test cd with ET installed
*add ETTV config for ppl who first install
*make default config rmode 6 or 8 to make the game look nicer for noobs
*add profiles, default profile being ETTV
*add more mods like JAYmod
*add a pic of overdrive
make linux & mac versions first
I'm making one atm.
Make it after hte official maplist has been announced for CPC II and EC.
add: Adema Discography
Chevelle Discography
TRUSTcompany Discography

only adema with the old singer plz.
Pretty kool, in deed.
pic of you would be nice
dont add useless stuff like the cfg maker, make the filesize smaller.
true, a noob doesnt want to make a movie. maybe split it into "just et and the basic things you need" and an "additional pack for the pro's".
yeah, its stupid to include all useless stuff on it. u can download those installers of random software elsewhere aswell. moviemaking stuff u need to download elsewhere aswell, not much u can do with just that uv moviemaker. dont add it, remove the extra, make different pack for the extras if u really want to have them somewhere.
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