Sheep busted²

ter) looks so firm
(17:22:23) (+NETR-kot) (_O_)
(17:22:24) (+NETR-kot) go get it
(17:22:27) (+NETR-kot) :XD
(17:22:27) (+Sheepster) i will
(17:22:28) (+Sheepster) believe me
(17:22:43) (+NETR-kot) oK
(17:22:49) (@eVo`i[EM]) lol fags
(17:22:49) (@eVo`i[EM]) :P
(17:22:53) (+NETR-kot) promise !
(17:22:53) (+Sheepster) youre first evo
(17:23:01) (+Sheepster) in the back seat
(17:23:04) (+Sheepster) at the station
(17:23:05) (@eVo`i[EM]) you wish i got chastity belt thx
(17:23:06) (+Sheepster) oooh yeah
(17:23:26) (+Sheepster) toxic had a chasity belt
(17:23:32) (+Sheepster) didnt stop me from getting some of his hairy ass
(17:23:45) (+Sheepster) getting through the jungle of shit clumps stuck on his ass hairs was harder than the belt

i care fucking much
true xfire spirit <3
you don't get it, i really really care
i care fucking much
irc logs... ban

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ty for that ^^
Hmm, too bad that all the dutchies still use their language :/
no that's not bad, what's bad is the fact that nobody does anything, rules are rules, if they don't follow them simpy ban them imo
take the seat belt with u mate. we need something to spank the girls with :D
they are called: HOLLANDSE HOEREN
msg vindicator on xfire or q /q vindi|off or /q vindicator` . He has exp with it
omg lol nub!

(my place or yours Kiss?)
sheep and his gay fantasies :(
where is sheep sleeping?

*edit* i dont want to meet him
with tlr in the cabins [NO GO AREA]
oh no
iam not far away
Your name in dutch means gay. No wonder you arn't safe
pot² (de ~ (v.), ~ten)
1 [inf.] lesbienne
we will missed u mike
maverick will protect me!
Bring your cat Mikey baby, can't wait to meet you...
big gay night out

pls someone slap sheep when you see him and say "with greets by vaGgi to you mr. maaah!"
irclogs, ban
i care fucking much
cu @ backseat
You certainly will, big boy.
i care fucking much
soz sheep the spot of 'the heavy man' is already been taken
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