I remember...

When the first Dignitas dominated ET...
When getting 100XP on a pub server in one map was hard...
When mortars were only for the skilled...
When there were only six maps in ET...
When foonr was called Typhoon...
When Viax sounded like Darth Vader on comms...
When hitboxes used to be on the other side of the map to the player...
When RaZiel had the most fanbois in ET...
When Rewind were a half-decent clan... ;)
When sweRTCW worked!! :<
When Enemy-Territory.com was a good place to chat to good ET players...
When nobody knew how to fix the OpenGL error...
Lozzy explaining to me the concept of #Man-Train in person...
When hackers were too stupid to realise how easy deleting your etkey is...

Just reminiscing. Any favourite memories of ET peoplezZ?
When ET got pronedelay \0///

When ppl said omgwtfhax the other team can do the oasis walljump now we have to be like really careful. (Good old times :p)
When getting 10XP per minute on a pub server was considered good for my standards...
When using a laptop with TS2 on and a normal PC to play ET on...
When LoZz still made fragmovies, legendary ones like Rifle the DaRe way...
When rate 7000/maxpackets 30 was still favored by the majority of the players...
When there were only six maps in ET...

You make me emo
When everyone was playing good old 2.55 :)
When I played for xp and not for kills...
When i was playing rtcw or dident have i-net
In those days I didn't even know how to change the cfg/binds in mfc wordpad.

All I knew was cg_fov and sensitivity, done in console. Oasis walljump practiced 1000 times at least. Strafe jump was smth new.

When the whole dikketrip clan was playing public in the same server from CMDR clan, Loekino was allready spamming there and later on we had our first CB clanwar, vs CMDR. They actually made us aware of the fact that we could play competitive ET in a ladder.

Man if I dig into the past 4 years, only ET related, 2 much thinking :P
When Anonymous assassin was called a rabbit, not a retard like nowadays
check my profile for a guy named assassin
as i said, we call him a retard nowadays, and that with a reason
When sE had like 6 squads
When I would sort the servers after maps and always join the server with Oasis on
When I learned to get from Allies spawn on Oasis to the flag in like 10 seconds, winning several pub games!
When I thought it was cool to be in #ET.se and hang around the pro swedish players
When Merge and dTd were still arguing which team was the best
when I played my first pracc ever on Fueldump (against Merge) and not getting the tank over the bridge
when I played vs gunslingers and were amazed over their skill
how do you get to flag in 10 secs :o
Like ten seconds.

might be a little exaggerated. But it was fast!
When DMD faced Mori in its first ever cup. <3
And mori won!!!!!!!1111
we beat you in the finals though! :P
QuoteWhen sE had like 6 squads

we gave them mouseskates&mousepads :p
when i realised pk3's opened with zip!
When there were less retards/cheaters(same shit)...
When hackers were too stupid to realise how easy deleting your etkey is...

hasnt changed afaik.
point taken :D
When no one were whining about laggers/netsettinglamers/cheaters

When no one were whining about negative accel/mouse hz/fps
when i enjoyed it o0
when i was proner
when i made movies about myself
when i was big(ger) whiner
when we won against belgium @ NC
when i downloaded gs vs dsky demo from cb page
etc etc too long...
when I sat through a whole 6 original map campaign on jolt to get general... several times.

when I watched my first ETTV match (141 v Idle 5v5 exhibition).

when I played my first scrim (which happened to be my first official) and was so nervous my heart was racing because I'd only been playing the game a couple of months.

when I didn't know you could setup an MG, I just thought you had to prone with it.

when I made my first config which only really took out bloodsplats.
When ETTV was filled with bugs on the first match ever casted via ETTV (Atlantic Battle).
When E.T. Phone... In was there and kicking!
when i got my first pro cfg :o(
when it was exciting to play on a 30 man etpub server just for the 30 000 xp which would be gone tomorrow

When i got my Internet-Bill (240€) ,because I was liek pwn @ a random public with my 56KB-MODEM!
I still sound like Darth Vader.
When ET was still the only onlinegame i ever played
When i didn't know bout any kind of competive gaming
When i joined every fucking pub server to get a war (aka when i didn't kno irc)
When the first custom map for ET was released!
When shrubmod came out.
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