Ok here we go,

6 weeks ago i got an assignment for school "the final test"
We have to build up an entire project about starting a music store. (search a place to rent or buy .design the store , the whole financial bullshit that comes with it . who is your competition in the neighbourhood...etc etc).. investigate a whole project

Since i just started last week , i could use some help with the visual aspects of the store...

for the first fase of this project we need to come up with a style for the shop.. (logo's , badges, tshirts , paper for customers etc etc.
I made some but its not enough.
If maybe all you photoshop- , illustratorpro's could help me out with making one nice Logo. i would love you longtime

Possible names for the store : Beat Shop , BlueBeat, BLue Note , Crescendo , Drum-store, De Notenkraker , Decibel , Den didgeridoo,Forte,Fa majeur,Paulophonic, Strings and things The undertones, Mezzo-forte, wah wah , Beat store ...

image: loelschoolvo8
click me
that font sux hard...
Den didgeridoo


serious note, name your store; Beat This

name to give your competition a run for their money
strings 'n' stuff
i like all
wah wah > all

but not as a name for a shop :p
image: wahwahwt5

You're welcome.
Strings And Things gets my vote
i dont care voting is all i can do
when was i ever your buddy ?
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