lan preparations!


This is probably only applicable for dutchies but for the sake of this being an international site I'll be so nice as to write this in english!

The sunday before CPC2, (april the 8th if I am right) bullvox, abortm kris and I are going to WZZRD in Enschede to play some games there and get used to settings / deskspace and take a look around etc.

I still have to call WZZRD Enschede but considering this was possible at TCG in rotterdam I think we will be able to play ET over the net so we're basically just planning to play some 6on6's from there to get used to things.

If anyone's interested (perhaps some yermans?) we still have 2 spots to fill

lemme know!

(licid / joop / ovrboost / wesbo ? :-D)

oh and to give u an indication of how much it'd cost: tcg was 2,50 an hour and we'll be playing from around 18 or 19CET till about 24CET or so

EDIT: I just called WZZRD groningen and it seems WZZRD enschede is actually opening on the day CPC2 starts :P so i guess this whole thing wont work xd
beetje ver weg
make some pics! 8)
Only noobs go there to check it, pro players can play everywhere!
seeing as how the CPC2 will act as a sort of opening event for the café I doubt it'll be open those dates :<
Quote EDIT: I just called WZZRD groningen and it seems WZZRD enschede is actually opening on the day CPC2 starts :P so i guess this whole thing wont work xd

orly :O)
Quote EDIT: I just called WZZRD groningen and it seems WZZRD enschede is actually opening on the day CPC2 starts :P so i guess this whole thing wont work xd

i could have told u that :DDDD
thanks for stating this in both the journal and the forum. I didnt quite understand what u meant the first time i read it
just making sure u found out!
rbnt hold your horses, within the next 48 hours we'll announce some options for you :D
Lan preparations? Im doing it like Rocky Balboa!
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