Wanna play

about me:

Nick: fl@me
Skill: med- / med
Age: 14
Language: Germany United Kingdom
Class: Medic, Field Ops, Engr with mp
Online: every day, sometimes i cannot play on Sunday
Have Icq, Ts², Msn, Vent 2.3


stable team
more than 3 trains each week
med skilled
Germany United Kingdom or speaking

Mfg fl@me

Ich bin nicht der flame von oXid!

I think most of you don't know me but i'm a nice guy and understand jokes.

i lol'd irl
agree to you i have

sorry, your english is not fluent
fluent like in 'influenza'
Quotei speak english fluently
fluent Europe engrish
forum btw
i can speak liquid english
Age: 14 ( 29 July 1992 )

not fluently... youre not allowed to play the game
Nice guy. (can express imself in english btw)
Learns quickly and knows what he does alreay.
I can recommend him. :>

I am new here and I search (for) a Et Squad.

Skill HAS to be med- or more. I have played ET for a long time but not really "skilled (et", so i)

I know the maps and most of the tactics. I learn fast and my aim is low+ to med-.

I am frost (wtf)Austria and speak Germany and United Kingdom fluently.
screw that one :S

I can play everything class (with), but I prefer medic.

I'm (only) online(?) every day but, sometimes i can't play on sundays.

I thin(g)k most of you don't know me but i'm a nice guy and I understand jokes.

oh, and as you already did, post requests in the forum.
Hey Flame :-)
huhu mojo <3
Lol ok my writing english is bad but
Quote I can play everything class (with), but I prefer medic.

I would say selfowned
sorry that i have overseen a writing mistake YOU made.
sorry for the help i have offered.

ps. klick the right reply

I am new here and in search of an Et Squad.

Skill has to be med- or more. I play ET for a long time but not really "skilled" as it is limited to experiences with random irc wars as merc or with fun clans.

I know the maps and most of the tactics. I learn fast and my aim is low+ to med-.

I am from and speak and fluently.

I can play every class but I prefer medic.

I'm online every day but, sometimes i can't play on sundays.

I think most of you don't know me but i'm a nice guy and I understand jokes.


Member For: 6 days

tells u alot about his time in ET... ur horizon is crossfire.nu i feel with you. if you need some help you may PM me anytime. i am there for the ppl with less god-given.
He's retarded. Stop making fun of mentally disabled persons!

hi hell :)
flämmcheeeeeeeeeeeeen! <3
Ich bin heut abend in Heidelberg ;>
Du kommst aus Heidelberg? Ich hab gehört diese Stadt ist noch weniger als eine vom Baum gefallene Eichel wert. Was ist mein Speichel wert? Mehr als dein ganzes Leben deshalb spuck ich dir ins Xsicht um dir ein wert zu geben.

GL Austria Fl4me
gl general aka fl4me <3
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