Dear Admins...

Plz ban ppl with disgusting pics etc... thats so annoying i was banned for 5 days for a rly nice soft porn pic once (and ofc never posted more after it) ... but now ppl reached the thin red line... do something...
ok :<
Sent by taLa on Saturday 17th March 2007, 22:15
One more link like that and you're banned.

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its ugly to click at a link and see rly shit things... plz ban those guys.
thx for ur attention.
ja bla alta du bist sowieso nen perversahh.
du stehst da drauf, ne?
examples please
examples please
Teh adminz never send me a warning!
Man, I wanted to post a pic of Witweed, but I guess I wont then.
If you see anything untoward report it to an admin in #crossfire
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