left-handed people config

anyone has one? need it :<
I can give you my left hand uppercut
just delete the binds ... and put self move binds and stuff in it .... lazy bitch ;p
yay im left handed too :P lets make a fan club!
sometimes I try to play with left hand, but it's really hard to strafe and stuff with right hand... moving mouse with left ain't that hard :)
im left handed
I use my left hand with aiming, while I'm righthanded. But I use the same config as right-handed people.
i have mx518 and im left handed and im pro

(joke fo sho)

you are joking but i play with mx518 + left hand on it :<
so you must play like SHIT?!
better than you ?! :DD
im lefthanded but np for me to play like all the righthanded ppl :S
Ask Drago.

im lefthanded and this is my cfg


my righthanded friends can play with it too
i'll have a look, thanx
lol how can you play like that with a,s,d,f, etc and have mouse left to :s
anyway i have it like this

bind uparrow +forward
bind downarrow +back
bind rightarrow +moveright
bind leftarrow +moveleft
bind ctrl +moveup
bind mouse1 +attack
bind mouse2 +sprint
bind enter +activate
bind \ +movedown

bind home "weaponbank 2"
bind ins "kill ;forcetapout"
bind del "weaponbank 3;cg_drawgun "0""
bind end "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 0"
bind pgdn "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1"
bind kp_end +reload
bind kp_ins "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 0 "
bind mwheelup "weaponbank 4"

The keyboard As you see there is no space between the arrows and the Del, End , PageDown witch is quite handy
Ask Mrawac his a lefthander!
wtf just move the mouse with your right hand :o
scheiss idee, da kannste dir das aimen ganz neu angewöhnen
what is actually the difference of configs for left-handed and right-handed people?
the gun is on the other side with cg_drawgun 1


but rly it would be interesting feature - to choose which side do you want to have gun on.
yeah, a brand new feature, it would surely get us more cs players than changing to 5on5 format, I think United Kingdom someone with lots of power should force the change for the community
gij zijt linkshandig ofzo? lol :d
i'm right handed, but my controls are designed for left-handed people (moving with arrows, weapon binds on KP_ keys, etc)

potter is left-handed, right?
i m righthanded, but i play lefthanded

my dad was lefthanded, when i was 6, i also used left on his pc just because mouse stood left...

i m pritty sure i would be highskill now if i started right handed
left is still my weak hand...
try the one of hatred i know he is left handed
ask butchji. he's lefthanded
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