ET more skilled than ever

I was a little bit bored, so I decided to do a little bit of statistics on the EC/OC sign ups :)

19 teams rated themselves 1 (8,5%)
17 teams rated themselves 2 (7,6%)
17 teams rated themselves 3 (7,6%)
24 teams rated themselves 4 (10,7%)
22 teams rated themselves 5 (9,9%)
44 teams rated themselves 6 (19,7%)
30 teams rated themselves 7 (13,4%)
31 teams rated themselves 8 (13,9%)
14 teams rated themselves 9 (6,3%)
5 teams rated themselves 10 (2,2%)

Now if you think of 5 being med-skilled more than 50% of all the signed up clans are med+ skilled. This either means that ET has become more skilled than ever, or it means that some people needs a reality check :)

discuss :P
i fully agree
a little bit? :9
EC ranks 8-16 are medskilled, EC ranks 4-8 are medhigh, EC ranks 1-3 are highskilled

... is one way to put it to get the most realistic view :P
I've read your post several times, I can't make sense of it :)
Well seeing as idle is without a doubt the number 1 team in the community you can paint them off as the only highskilled team. The eurocup's second and third (zP and TLR iirc) came close to them this season so they can be considered highskilled as well. Then you got the teams which simply lacked skill to compete with those highskilled clans, and they are a rank lower (medhigh). Then you got the teams that werent able to come out of their group, those are medskilled then according to this theory.
Of course its a bit weird :P you can also say idle is high and the rest of the EC ranks 2-8 came close. Since most of the teams that ranked 8-16 and maybe even more won't be able to even come close to a mapwin.

Anyways currently playing in OC div 3 means you are medhigh :(
Now I get it :)
your logic is bs :D

u cant have different skill levels [low-high] in 1 Cup :S, what u are saying, for example is, dignitas are highskilled and any team that didnt qualify from the group, lets say 141 to make it more extreme, are lowskilled. thats really bs logic :D
i just said they were lower skilled than dignitas, and of course there are exceptions..
u can't generalize that... maybe one group was harder than some other :)

but why don't we put it like:
EC -> high skill
OC div1 -> medhigh
OC div2 -> med
OC div3 -> lowmed

etc. :P
possible as well, but whenever we play a div1 opponent the skill barrier is kinda big
high vs medhigh is a huge difference :)
I would put it this way: OC premiere finalists med+, EC groupstage med+, EC quarterfinals skilled (zlol), EC semifinals high :)
Med+ is a weird rank, its like better than med but worse than medhigh :P
I liek changed med/high for skilled!
"This either means that ET has become more skilled than ever, or it means that some people needs a reality check[/u] :)"
nono, needs a PB check[/u]
Both tbh! Then we're even and we could make out and all.
You mean the average IQ decreases at the same rate as the average ego increases, right?
it's easy to see in your own attitude :d
hij is de shit niet messen
kom niet ouwehoeren aza
doe eens lief
I have an ego, but atleast my IQ doesn't decrease. :O)

I never called myself "highskill" like most others do, though. ;[
or you just point out the fact that half of the clans that signed for oc/ec said "wants EC" - as much as those who said "no EC"
I think thats the default option
Too much free time
took 15 minutes...
50 teams for premier league
et = highskilled
check the flags, polish teams are taking over the scene!
and they are all high++++
everyone thinks they are high skill so its expected
And also when we (dahu) play some 3on3 vs med+, the opponent leaves quite often after one map (round if we def first). Considering we don't think being better than the "good old" medskill, I think people should really stop thinking they are good because they play ET for more than 2 years.
Currently playing ET for 6 months and not knowing anything about configs is considered to be medskilled at least. Then if you download mystics config, you are medhigh. Easy!
pff soms heb je zwaar gelijk
Stel je eens voor als je mijn config zou hebben, dan ben je pas skilled!
Nouja dan worden de airstrikes plots wel makkelijker :O
bind mouse1 weaponbank4 :o ofzo

dat is een nade
oh snap is het weaponbank5 dan xD
and not knowing anything about configs is considered to be medskilled at least
bind mouse4 "kill ; forcetapout"
Well, since all mystic's cfg you can find are fake, there are not some medhigh ppl around there :)
yeah, problem is. if you search for med+ and then win easily you start to think you must be high, of course this is a joke. i dont think there is any low skilled team left in the whole of ET.
I'm highest fragger on telenet, that must mean i'm high skilled. Bitsj
So do I. But you still own me !
lol i'm like playing 3 years i only rate my self med because i never played OC premier or EC nigga pls how the fuck can you get med+ without oc premier or EC experience..

Madskillz in ET |.\
more hax than ever
just take a look at the clansearching mostly random unkown guys searching for at least med+ so the wohle oc/ec clans have to be at least high-high+ ... xD
It's way better in the 3v3 OC.

Last time I check 11 teams had rated themselves 10 and 9 teams 9.

Clearly the 3v3 players are more skilled than the 6v6 players.
Then why post a comment about it? ;)
u should draw a curve
You should be thankfull to him, if he didn't wasted 15 minutes of his life you couldn't post this stupid comment !
it's not stupid comment... although I don't like statistics, I would be curious to see how gaussian distribution this would be
I was being sarcastic, but 'k'

I know, me too :P
lol :D

going to watch HEROES again, enjoy the rest of the beautiful evening :)
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