laptop :|

Links to some nice gaming laptops pls, not for ET but some newer games too. Not really a budget but try to keep it realistic pls :).
i m playing with Toshiba sattelite P100
They don't get any better than tbh.
If i get a laptop with 7600 card would it run stalker for example? Or should i gather more money and get some 7900GTX .
agree :o)
Dont waste your money for Laptots if you want to play games, you'll get almost 50% more power when buying a Desktop PC.
some ppl wanna be mobile also...

shitnoobs like u wanna be in their dark fucked up room all the time right..
Well, biatch,
I just gave him an advice to gain more for his money. Just because ur a no-lifer, sitting in your room all the day, you want to act as if you were having a life by writing your comment above, your probably just a random 12 year old child, who needs some attention or has to solve his personal problems by writing offensive comments in the internet.

My advice for you: Stop hiding in the internet, get some friends, leave ur room for at least 1 day in the week. And last but not least, grow the fuck up, swedish no-lifer cunt.
he is not a real swede :o] just a fake flag
Thought so, he sounds Polish x]
hes belgian, all other things you said apply to him :d

i play on a laptop though, because i want to be mobile and be able to use it at school etc :) but for games it sucks, i get like 90fps in quake 3 xD
Lol, yeah, allthough I got to say that ACE Notebooks work pretty weell.
u dont have to have ur pc at your side all the time you know...
I can be mobile without a laptop ... =p
Compal HEL80

nr2 laptopbuilder in the world

they make good gaming laptops, they are mostly sold under other names.

This is a german review about it.

i got the same config for 1350 euro, but with 7200rpm 100gb hdd
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