Buy it.

My old laptop before I got my Apple MacBook. Buy it plz or die of cancer in the face. kthx <3
what do u sell it for? are u coming to cpc2 so I can have it to carry myself? can u give it to sheep so he can bring it to me for cpc2? how old is it? any visible damage? any non-visible damage? has it been repaired? if yes, when was it repaired last time?
Not coming to CPC2, but I could give it to Sheep. Wear is light, I will upload you some pix if you are seriously interested. It had a major overhaul and checkup last June, a low-level disk format and a completely fresh install of XP Professional. It's hardly been used since then. No personal files on it, only extra application is MS Office 2003 Pro.

Like I said, I haven't used it in a while, but I would be happy to give it a test run for you to check what kind of form it's in and make sure the mofo is in tip-top condition for you.
oke I'll bid tomorrow 12 pounds
have u tried playing games with it? how well do they work?
Used to play Star Wars Galaxies on it, ran it at a constant 30fps (developer's cap) in 1024x728, never tried playing ET on it, but it should play it just fine. It should be noted that there will be a massive performance hit when not using AC because of AMD Cool 'n' Quiet.
CnC can be turned off in the bios and in windows so that shouldn't be a problem

but I think the laptop should be able to get a nice 125FPS stable
it is able, ind33d
tbh I didn't ever try gaming much on it. I maxed out 30fps on Star Wars Galaxies (developer set cap) at 1024x728 with fairly decent graphical settings, but the SWG is really old now and buggy as hell, so it's not really a good benchmark.

Most hard work this laptop has seen is Word at 60Hz on 1440x1024 ;)
zomg i have teh same :o
It smells like teen spirit and feels like a virgin's vagina!! :O
so it feels hairy, grainy and a little wet?... no thanks mate
That sounds more like stroking your head tbh ;)
To be fair theo, you shouldn't be touching my head ;). Queer fuck :P
My penis belongs to Loekino anyways, sorry sunshine :<
looks very cool
I don't like Ferrari, sorry. :{
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