Little Big Planet

A friend of mine, who is also in my workgroup at university, gave me a link yesterday to a video explaining an upcoming game for the PS3 called Little Big Planet. It looks really really nice both graphic- and gameplay wise :)

The video is 18 minutes long or something :)
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wow, that was unbelievable great!!!
especially the last part with the skateboard, omg that was great cinema!
wouldnt be unexpected if that game is ps3-exclusive cause PS always had the best software!
<3 sony
looks so nice
nice indeed
Cute graphics. But what's the point of the game?
You create a level, run through it ... and then? Don't you think that once you "played" a level, you won't play it again? Maybe it's the Web 2.0 of Video Games?
And Excitebike had a level editor more than 20 years ago...

What's the Hardcore-Playstation-zOMG-Nintendo-creates-consoles-for-kids-Fan going to say about it? Shouldn't they add some big shiny guns for the casual European and American Playstation audience?
It's the same as Sims in some way... it's more like a toy.
i think your onto something
rofl, looks funny and amazing =)
I can imagine it's fun as hell after a few beers...

We had a blast playing Shrek Super Party on Xbox with 4 people. The game was pretty much meant for people at around 5 years old.
It is very interesting for our workgroup at the university, since we are working with social aspects of games, and as you can see, this game really makes people talk and cooperate :)
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