My day =(((((

My day sucked. Morning lessons were okay but during my 3rd lesson I was rocking with my chair and WHOOPSIE DAISY, i fell hitting my head to a wall. Didn't even hurt i was just like LOL. Maths was the usual, something about complex values(?) didn't understand a shit.
After that I had music lesson, nothing special.
When it finally ended and I was heading home I wanted to try my friends bike. Not knowing it had some crazy brakes I almost overstopped stoppie :( but that's not the point because after some stoppies I tried to ride it using only tailwheel... The bike was light as a feather and I OVERFLIPED with style, Now my ankle is fucked and I can't walk. Heil tuesday!
Poor you.
what is rocking on your chair and stoppies?
rocking your chair is swinging with and stoppie is a sudden stop where your tailwheel takes air
my sucky day> your sucky day
tell us about it
had first our @ school off, then i came to school and my Spain teacher (for the 2nd hour) wasn't there either ... than i had geology and last 3 hours off aswell, which basically means i could've stayed home aswell but instead i almost killed myself because i was so bored .. said on school for 4 hours when i only had 1 lesson (which was totally useless) and now i'm bored AGAIN! edit: and when i came home there wasn't any food to eat!
ohmigod u are bored
lucky you... pff still hug teh carebear
take my care!
2bad u didnt die
atleast i'm not telling about my hangover...
who does ??
i got a new mp3 player today, its nice
Nice Jack_Spring!
Sieg Heil
Loekino plz help me with my shit plz, answer this !

A computer has a 24-bit word length, which for the purpose of floating point operations, is divided into an 8-bit biased exponent and a 16-bit two's complement mantissa. Write down the range of numbers capable of being represented in this format and their precision.

I was just wondering, in regular binary floating points, you always have the invisible 1 bit infront of the 16bit/whatever value, but in two's complement =\
hi 2 u. actually i don't get the point why anyone would be using two's compliment for floating point operations as you got teh funny exponent to be able to display negative numbers in a proper way but wh00tever.
just speaking of positive mantissa values i'd say the invisible bit can remain where it is, but in case you might also be making use of negative values i'd just normalize the number and keep the sign bit ( dunno what it's in englisch actually ) visible.
Yes, but the textbook wants me to use 8 bits for the mantissa and 16 bits for the two's compliment, il just say , there is no invisible bit!

Highest value is 1.115003232*10^43
Lowest value is -1.925929944*10^-34

i think ;>
ye that's what i'd write too.
but actually i've only been working with IEEE 754-1985 single and double precision formats so far. it might also be something like this:

1 - xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sign------exponent-------------------normalized two's complement binary number without it's sign bit

that would sound plausible to me too.

€: you could google for Cyber 70 floating type format too. thats the only format i know which is making use of complements in its mantissa - but i have not been that much into this stuff lately, so i might be talking crap :D
Sieg Heil in your fcking but !
still waiting =<

make a journal plz about it and stuff!! asap!_!
"Heil tuesday"

i had a very fucking bad day but its over now... thanks! thats made my day!
you still have time to get some ayds :)
Appearence protects from sexual diseases!
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